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An open-source implementation of the CIP Electrical Energy Object


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OpENer Electrical Energy Object

Welcome to OpENer Electrical Energy Object!

OpENer Electrical Energy Object is an extension object to OpENer, providing an OpENer-compatible implementation of the Electrical Energy Object™. Currently it provides only a Electrical implementation of the Electrical Energy Object™, but is open to further extension. As OpENer it is licensed under the adapted BSD-style license (see License).

So you may ask "Why is this not directly part of OpENer?", and this is a valid question. The answer to this is, that OpENer is focused on providing a near-to-minimal, but state of the art, implementation of a EtherNet/IP™ adapter device. Nonetheless, we now and then develop additional objects for our usage, but cannot be strictly considered to be part of the OpENer project. Hence, such objects are provided as separate project. Another benefit of this approach is, that OpENer does not get cluttered with a giant library (ok, not really giant, but you get the point) of object.

So, how do you use this? Again a good question! For some time already OpENer got a "drop-in" CMake-configure mechanism for additional object, when put into the cip_objects directory (you probably already asked yourself, whats this empty directory for?)

So the easiest way is to git clone this repository into the cip_objects directory and hit the Configure button in CMake, which should give you a checkbox for this object. Now, that the object is included into the compile process, you have to use the following lines in cipcommon.c's CipStackInit() to actually use the Electrical Energy Object with OpENer

eip_status = CipElectricalEnergyInit();
OPENER_ASSERT(kEipStatusOk == eip_status)

also do not forget to add the header #include "CIPElectricalEnergyObject/cipelectricalenergy.h"

Contributing to OpENer Electrical Energy Object:

The easiest way is to fork the repository, then create a feature/bugfix branch. After finishing your feature/bugfix create a pull request and explain your changes. Also, please update and/or add doxygen comments to the provided code sections. Please stick to the coding conventions, as defined in source/doc/coding_rules The easiest way to conform to the indenting convertion is to set uncrustify as git filter in the OpENer repository, which can be done with the following to commands:

git config filter.uncrustify.clean "/path/to/uncrustify/uncrustify -c uncrustify.cfg --mtime --no-backup"

git config filter.uncrustify.smudge "cat"