is a Neovim plugin that automatically changes your working directory to the project root based on a set of configured rules. The goal is to be a perfect clone of vim-rooter but written in Lua.
nvim-rooter is functional but a work in progress and doesn't yet perfectly mimic vim-rooter's behaviour.
Why use nvim-rooter
instead of vim-rooter
? To avoid the ignominy of running VimScript in 2024. So if you're a person with any dignity you should just use nvim-rooter. No, in all seriousness, you should probably use vim-rooter, it's a better plugin and so simple the downsides of VimScript don't really apply to it.
-- cmd used to change working dir:
rooter_cd_cmd = "cd", -- "cd" | "lcd" | "tcd"
-- If false will print new cwd with cwd is changed
rooter_silent_chdir = true,
-- Set to true to only run nvim-rooter manually
rooter_manual_only = false,
-- Which buffer types trigger Rooter: normal buffers have buftype ""
rooter_buftypes = { "" },
-- Table of files whose presence signifies project root
rooter_patterns = { ".git", "_darcs", ".hg", ".bzr", ".svn", "Makefile", "package.json" },
nvim-rooter defines a user command Root
to manually trigger changing the working directory to the project root.