The App-Framework Cordova is an open-source "wrapper" that helps you to transform your web app in a full feature
mobile app that can eventually resides remotely. In few words:
You can build extended websites that can communicate with your device remotely!
You can also forget to compile and update your app for all mobile platform everytime
you need to fix/add functionalities
Thanks to phonegap/cordova and web technologies you love.
download or clone this repo
copy config.xml.dist and paste it with new name: config.xml
copy /www/conf/conf.def.json and paste with new name: /www/conf/conf.json
configure config.xml following phonegap docs and conf.json following instructions below
you've a ready-to-build mobile app!
NOTE: If you want to compile and run locally, you need to run following script:
( contains commands to install all required plugins )
and then you need to run:
phonegap run <platform> --device --verbose
( to install on your device , overwrite with android,ios or winphone )
Read documentation inside: /www/