Simple todo list in nvim
Use the command :RenWu
to bring up the todo notepad.
or add items with :RenWu <your text here>
Special thanks goes out to ThePrimeagen, for which I learnt how to rip off his code and others who helped on irc and discord.
Through the usual means, such as vim-plugged.
call plug#begin(stdpath('data') . '/plugged')
Plug 'Dotrar/Renwu'
call plug#end()
or lazy.nvim (shown here with custom config):
{ 'Dotrar/Renwu',
config = function()
window = {
width = 60,
height = 15,
title = "任务~ TODO ~你好",
end },
Then set up two commands for yourself as such:
" Make a mapping with a space at the end, acts as a prompt for new items.
nnoremap <leader>g :RenWu<space>
" Empty command means to show menu (<space> is ignored, so safe to just use the one mapping)
nnoremap <leader>` :RenWu<cr>
When called with string arguments, the command will add the string as a new line to your todo list
The todolist buffer acts as a normal, so you can re-arrange with ddP
and etc. Markdown syntax supported
Config is relatively easy and simple
or <esc>
in normal mode will close the window
You can change the colour by adjusting the RenWuBorder
highlight group.
(Note! this is currently not enabled -- send a PR if you want this feature!)
vim.cmd([[highlight! RenWuBorder guifg=#FF0033 guibg=NONE]])