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Albert Domenech edited this page Sep 27, 2024 · 4 revisions

DimensionStyle Class

Represents a table entry.


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Tables


public class DimensionStyle


Returns Name Summary
String AlternateDimensioningSuffix Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the alternate dimension
measurement for all types of dimensions except angular
(see DIMAPOST System Variable).
Int16 AlternateUnitDecimalPlaces Controls the number of decimal places in alternate units
(see DIMALTD System Variable).
Boolean AlternateUnitDimensioning Controls the display of alternate units in dimensions
(see DIMALT System Variable).
LinearUnitFormat AlternateUnitFormat Gets or sets the units format for alternate units of all dimension sub-styles
except Angular
(see DIMALTU System Variable).
Double AlternateUnitRounding Rounds off the alternate dimension units
(see DIMALTRND System Variable).
Double AlternateUnitScaleFactor Controls the multiplier for alternate units
(see DIMALTF System Variable).
Int16 AlternateUnitToleranceDecimalPlaces Gets or sets the number of decimal places for the tolerance values in the alternate
units of a dimension
(see DIMALTTD System Variable).
ZeroHandling AlternateUnitToleranceZeroHandling Controls suppression of zeros in tolerance values
(see DIMALTTZ System Variable).
ZeroHandling AlternateUnitZeroHandling Controls the suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values
(see DIMALTZ System Variable).
Int16 AngularDimensionDecimalPlaces Controls the number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions
(see DIMADEC System Variable).
AngularUnitFormat AngularUnit Gets or sets the units format for angular dimensions
(see DIMAUNIT System Variable).
ZeroHandling AngularZeroHandling Suppresses zeros for angular dimensions
(see DIMAZIN System Variable).
ArcLengthSymbolPosition ArcLengthSymbolPosition Controls display of the arc symbol in an arc length dimension
(see DIMARCSYM System Variable).
BlockRecord ArrowBlock Gets or sets the arrowhead block displayed at the ends of dimension lines
(see DIMBLK System Variable).
Double ArrowSize Controls the size of dimension line and leader line arrowheads. Also controls the
size of hook lines
(see DIMASZ System Variable).
Double CenterMarkSize Controls drawing of circle or arc center marks and centerlines by the
(see DIMCEN System Variable).
Boolean CursorUpdate Controls options for user-positioned text
(see DIMUPT System Variable).
Int16 DecimalPlaces Gets or sets the number of decimal places displayed for the primary
units of a dimension
(see DIMDEC System Variable).
Char DecimalSeparator Specifies a single-character decimal separator to use when creating dimensions whose unit
format is decimal
(see DIMDSEP System Variable).
BlockRecord DimArrow1 Gets or sets the arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line when
is on (true)
(see DIMBLK1 System Variable).
BlockRecord DimArrow2 Gets or sets the arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line when
is on (true)
(see DIMBLK2 System Variable).
Int16 DimensionFit Determines how dimension text and arrows are arranged when space is not sufficient to
place both within the extension lines.
(see DIMFIT System Variable).
Color DimensionLineColor Gets or sets colors to dimension lines, arrowheads, and dimension leader lines
(see DIMCLRD System Variable).
Double DimensionLineExtension Sets the distance the dimension line extends beyond the extension line when
oblique strokes are drawn instead of arrowheads.
(see DIMDLE System Variable).
Double DimensionLineGap Gets or sets the distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to
accommodate dimension text
(see DIMGAP System Variable).
Double DimensionLineIncrement Controls the spacing of the dimension lines in baseline dimensions
(see DIMDLI System Variable).
LineweightType DimensionLineWeight Assigns line weight to dimension lines
(see DIMLWD System Variable).
TextArrowFitType DimensionTextArrowFit Determines how dimension text and arrows are arranged when space is not sufficient
to place both within the extension lines.
(see DIMATFIT System Variable).
Int16 DimensionUnit DIMUNIT (obsolete, now use DIMLUNIT AND DIMFRAC)
Color ExtensionLineColor Gets or sets colors to extension lines, center marks, and centerlines
(see DIMCLRE System Variable).
Double ExtensionLineExtension Specifies how far to extend the extension line beyond the dimension line
(see DIMEXE System Variable).
Double ExtensionLineOffset Specifies how far extension lines are offset from origin points
(see DIMEXO System Variable).
LineweightType ExtensionLineWeight Assigns line weight to extension lines
(see DIMLWE System Variable).
Double FixedExtensionLineLength Sets the total length of the extension lines starting from the dimension line
toward the dimension origin
(see DIMFXL System Variable).
FractionFormat FractionFormat Gets or sets the fraction format when is set to 4 (Architectural) or 5 (Fractional).
(see DIMFRAC System Variable).
Boolean GenerateTolerances Appends tolerances to dimension text
(see DIMTOL System Variable).
Boolean IsExtensionLineLengthFixed Controls whether extension lines are set to a fixed length
(see DIMFXLON System Variable).
Double JoggedRadiusDimensionTransverseSegmentAngle Determines the angle of the transverse segment of the dimension line in a jogged radius dimension in radians.
(see DIMJOGANG System Variable).
BlockRecord LeaderArrow Specifies the arrow type for leaders
(see DIMLDRBLK System Variable).
Boolean LimitsGeneration Generates dimension limits as the default text
(see DIMLIM System Variable).
Double LinearScaleFactor Sets a scale factor for linear dimension measurements
(see DIMLFAC System Variable).
LinearUnitFormat LinearUnitFormat Gets or sets units for all dimension types except Angular
(see DIMLUNIT System Variable).
Double MinusTolerance Gets or sets the minimum (or lower) tolerance limit for dimension text when
or is on (true).
(see DIMTM System Variable).
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
Double PlusTolerance Gets or sets the maximum (or upper) tolerance limit for dimension text when
or is on (true)
(see DIMTP System Variable).
String PostFix Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the dimension measurement
(see DIMPOST System Variable).
Double Rounding Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value
(see DIMRND System Variable).
Double ScaleFactor Gets or sets the overall scale factor applied to dimensioning variables that specify
sizes, distances, or offsets
(see DIMSCALE System Variable).
Boolean SeparateArrowBlocks Controls the display of dimension line arrowhead blocks
(see DIMSAH System Variable).
TextStyle Style Specifies the text style of the dimension
(see DIMTXSTY System Variable).
String SubclassMarker
Boolean SuppressFirstDimensionLine Controls suppression of the first dimension line and arrowhead
(see DIMSD1 System Variable).
Boolean SuppressFirstExtensionLine Suppresses display of the first extension line
(see DIMSE1 System Variable).
Boolean SuppressOutsideExtensions Suppresses arrowheads if not enough space is available inside the extension lines
(see DIMSOXD System Variable).
Boolean SuppressSecondDimensionLine Controls suppression of the second dimension line and arrowhead
(see DIMSD2 System Variable).
Boolean SuppressSecondExtensionLine Suppresses display of the second extension line
(see DIMSE2 System Variable).
Color TextBackgroundColor Sets the color for the text background in dimensions.
(see DIMTFILLCLR System Variable).
DimensionTextBackgroundFillMode TextBackgroundFillMode Controls the background of dimension text
(see DIMTFILL System Variable).
Color TextColor Assigns colors to dimension text
(see DIMCLRT System Variable).
TextDirection TextDirection Specifies the reading direction of the dimension text
(see DIMTXTDIRECTION System Variable).
Double TextHeight Specifies the height of dimension text, unless the current text style has a fixed height
(see DIMTXT System Variable).
DimensionTextHorizontalAlignment TextHorizontalAlignment Controls the horizontal positioning of dimension text
(see DIMJUST System Variable).
Boolean TextInsideExtensions Draws text between extension lines
(see DIMTIX System Variable).
Boolean TextInsideHorizontal Controls the position of dimension text inside the extension lines for all
dimension types except Ordinate.
(see DIMTIH System Variable).
TextMovement TextMovement Sets dimension text movement rules
(see DIMTMOVE System Variable).
Boolean TextOutsideExtensions Controls whether a dimension line is drawn between the extension lines even when the text
is placed outside.
(see DIMTOFL System Variable).
Boolean TextOutsideHorizontal Controls the position of dimension text outside the extension lines
(see DIMTOH System Variable).
DimensionTextVerticalAlignment TextVerticalAlignment Controls the vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line
(see DIMTAD System Variable).
Double TextVerticalPosition Controls the vertical position of dimension text above or below the dimension line
(see DIMTVP System Variable).
Double TickSize Specifies the size of oblique strokes drawn instead of arrowheads for linear, radius,
and diameter dimensioning
(see DIMTSZ System Variable).
ToleranceAlignment ToleranceAlignment Gets or sets the vertical justification for tolerance values relative to the nominal dimension text.
(see DIMTOLJ System Variable).
Int16 ToleranceDecimalPlaces Gets or sets the number of decimal places to display in tolerance values
for the primary units in a dimension
(see DIMTDEC System Variable).
Double ToleranceScaleFactor Specifies a scale factor for the text height of fractions and tolerance values relative
to the dimension text height, as set by
(see DIMTFAC System Variable).
ZeroHandling ToleranceZeroHandling Controls the suppression of zeros in tolerance values
(see DIMTZIN System Variable).
ZeroHandling ZeroHandling Controls the suppression of zeros in the primary unit value
(see DIMZIN System Variable).


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
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