Welcome to the course! This 6 week course will teach you the basics of web development and give you insight into the role of a developer. By the end you will have built your own fully functioning website you can use, share and add to your web development portfolio.
The aim of this course is to not only teach you how to code, but introduce you to like-minded people and IBM CIC developers to help you grow your network and enter into the world of technology.
Overall Goal: To build your own website!
Each week we will teach you the skills you need to develop your own website:
- Week 1: Set up your laptop like a developer
- Week 2: Create a basic webpage
- Week 3: Add various elements to your webpages (images, tables, hyperlinks etc)
- Week 4: Make your website look great with CSS
- Week 5: Learn about Accessibility tools and work on your own website with help from the tutors
- Week 6: A week dedicated to your own websites
- Week 7: Show off how awesome your website is and get certified!
- Week 8 (Optional): CV workshop and how to apply to roles
Upon completion of this course you will be awarded a certificate from the IBM Client Innovation Centre. If you demonstrate the website you have built over the duration oof the course at the showcase in the final session then you will also be award an accredited badge for use of social media and your CV.
If you decide to apply for a position at the IBM CIC and let the course tutors know you will get automatically sent through to the telephone interview stage of the recruitment process.
To create a developer environment we will need to set up some tools. Before your first session:
- Install VSCode (Visual Studio Code) - download here
- Create a github account - create account here
- Install git - using the download link or via the command line