This module helps to upload files when using webdriver via remote connection when using codeception.
Just copy the file to your project and add it to your bootstrap file:
include_once "/path/to/module/AttachFileRemoteHelper.php";
After editing your bootstrap file you have to update your test suite configuration
enabled: [WebDriver, AttachFileRemoteHelper]
No additional configuration has to be made. Just add the AttachFileRemoteHelper.
After changing your configuration you have to re-build the web guy.
php codecept.phar build
Once the module is actived you are able to use the new method attachFileRemote
the same way you are using the native codeception/webdriver method attachFile.
class CreateCommentCest
public function testRemoteFileUpload (WebGuy $I, $scenario)
$I->attachFileRemote("Datei", "image.png");