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New updates in main

  1. Recommendations:
  • Users receives a list of book recommendations.
  • Users can like, dislike, and rate books.
  • Users can change the genres selected anytime.
  • Based on user feedback (likes, dislikes, ratings), new recommendations are generated using the LLM.
  1. Filtering Recommendations:
  • Users can filter and access old recommendations.
  • Recommendations are stored and can be revisited at any time.

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP):

    • Shared business logic is written in Kotlin.
    • Native UI for Android using Jetpack Compose.
    • Native UI for iOS using SwiftUI.
  • Backend:

    • Supabase is used for backend services.
  • Generative AI:

    • OpenAI is used for generating book information.
  • Authentication:

    • Google OAuth is used for authentication in both the Android and iOS apps via Supabase.

Project Structure

  • Contains business and shared logic for both apps i.e. composeApp and iosApp
Directory Description Important file
api Contains API client files for accessing external service like OpenAi, Gemini ‘GeminiClient.kt’, ‘OpenAiClient.kt’
data Contains file for database operations and authentication operations ‘RemoteDataSource.kt’, ‘SupabaseProvider.kt’
model Defines model file to parse the request and response from AI as well as database tables ‘OpenAiRequest.kt’, ‘OpenAiResponse.kt’, ‘SupabaseRemoteEntities.kt’
utils Contains Constants classes which store api url and keys and extension functions ‘Constants.kt’
  • Note:

    • The Constants.kt file includes the following properties which you can update with their own values:
      • OAUTH_WEB_CLIENT_ID: Google web client client id generated from google cloud console to use sign in with google feature
      • OPEN_AI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI api key
      • GEMINI_API_KEY: Your Gemini api key (if you want to use gemini instead of OpenAi along with GeminiClient)
    • The GeminiClient.kt file is included for those who want to use Gemini for book recommendation generation. Replace GeminiClient's functions with OpenAiClient in MainViewModel.kt of composeApp and SharedViewModel.swift of iosApp
    • You can edit systemInstruction property inside OpenAiClient/GeminClient to customize the AI response according to your own needs.
  • The Android UI specific code is written under composeApp module's androidMain with jetpack compose. It contains code for all screens along with viewmodel which connect the data layer i.e. shared module to UI layer
  • The ios UI specific code is written under iosApp with swiftui along with viewmodel which connects data layer i.e. shared module to UI layer

Backend Structure

Database tables

  1. Users
  • Used to store user’s info and also maintains certain info from their login session.
Fields Datatype Constraint Description
user_id UUID primary-key, default = auth.uid() unique identifier for user
email text not null, unique user's email provided via Google OAuth
display_name text not null username provided via Google OAuth
avatar_url text user's profile photo provided via Google OAuth
category_shown boolean Describes if the user was shown category selection screen in the login session
selected_categories text Describes the selected categories/genres by the user
last_recommendation_time int8 Describes the last recommendation generation timestamp of user
created_at timestampz not null Stores the first time the account was logged in the app
  1. Categories (Genres)
  • To store the genres/categories of books from which user can generate his recommendation
Fields Datatype Constraint Description
category_id int2 primary-key uniquely identify each genre/category
category_name text not-null name of each genre
category_emoji text emoji for each genre
  1. Books
  • To store generated book’s information
Fields Datatype Constraint Description
book_id int8 primary-key unique identifier
book_name text not null, unique book title
author_name text not null, unique author name
genre_tags text[] applicable genre tags
category_id int2 not null, foreign key referring category_id of categories table with on update cascade, on delete cascade refers to the category in the categories table
description text not null 2 line description
pages text not null number of pages in the book
isbn text not null unique ISBN number to fetch book cover using Open Library Book Cover API
first_date_of_publication text not null first date of publication
reference_link text not null URL to open book-related webpage
  1. Recommendations
  • To store the recommendation generated by each user
Fields Datatype Constraint Description
recommendation_id int8 primary-key unique identifier for recommendations
timestamp int8 not null stores UNIX epoch time
user_id UUID not null, foreign key referring to users table user_id field with on update cascade, on delete cascade, default = auth.uid() uniquely identifies which recommendation belongs to which user
  1. Recommended_books
  • To store the books generated in each recommendation seperately
Fields Datatype Constraint Description
id int8 primary-key uniquely identifies each book for a given recommendation_id
recommendation_id int8 not null, foreign key referring to users table user_id with on update cascade, on delete cascade to access corresponding info in the recommendation table
book_id int8 foreign key referring to books table book_id field with on update cascade, on delete cascade to access the book’s info from the books table
liked boolean indicates if the book is liked by the user
rating int2 check value is between 0 and 6 rating between 1 to 5 given by the user
last_updated_time int8 default = 0 last time the user performed any interaction
read boolean default = false indicates if the user has read the book
  1. Chat_history
  • To store the chat_history which is used to provide context when sending chat_completion request to LLM
Fields Datatype Constraint Description
id int8 primary-key unique identifier
timestamp int8 not null stores UNIX epoch time
user_id UUID foreign key referring to users table user_id field identifies to which user the chat history belongs
user_text text user message sent to OpenAI or any other LLM’s API request
ai_answer text response received from AI
  • Overview
    • A user can have many recommendations (one to many)
    • A recommendation can have many recommended_books (one to many)
    • A recommended_book has one to one relation with book (one to one)
    • A user can have many chat_history data (one to many)

Getting Started



To check how pushing commits to open repos work via pull req - an interesting code through






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