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The Scalable Particle Imaging with Neural Embeddings (SPINE) package leverages state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) algorithms -- in particular Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) -- to reconstruct particle imagaging detector data. This package was primarily developed for Liquid Argon Time-Projection Chamber (LArTPC) data and relies on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for pixel-level feature extraction and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for superstructure formation. The schematic below breaks down the full end-to-end reconstruction flow.

Full chain


We recommend using a Singularity or Docker containers pulled from deeplearnphysics/larcv2, which contains all the necessary dependancy to run this package.

The dependencies include:

  • MinkowskiEngine
  • larcv2
  • torch
  • torch_geometric
  • numba
  • standard Python scientific libraries.

This package does not need to be installed. Simply pull this repository and add it to the python path:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/spine/')


Basic example:

# Necessary imports
import yaml
from spine.driver import Driver

# Load configuration file
with open('spine/config/train_uresnet.cfg', 'r') as f:
    cfg = yaml.safe_load(f)

# Initialize driver class
driver = Driver(cfg)

# Execute model following the configuration regimen

Example Configuration Files

For your inspiration, the following standalone configurations are available in the config folder:

Configuration name Model
train_uresnet.cfg UResNet alone
train_uresnet_ppn.cfg UResNet + PPN
train_graph_spice.cfg GraphSpice
train_grappa_shower.cfg GrapPA for shower fragments clustering (particle fragments -> particle clusters)
train_grappa_interaction.cfg GrapPA for interaction clustering (particle clusters -> interactions)

Switching from train to test mode is as simple as switching trainval.train: False for all models. The only exception at the moment is GraphSpice, for which an example test configuration is provided (test_graph_spice.cfg).

Typically in a configuration file the first things you may want to edit will be:

  • batch_size (in 2 places)
  • weight_prefix (where to save the model checkpoints)
  • log_dir (where to save the logs)
  • iterations
  • model_path (checkpoint to load, optional)
  • train (boolean)
  • gpus (leave empty '' if you want to run on CPU)

If you want more information stored, such as network output tensors and post-processing outcomes, you can use analysis (scripts) and outputs (formatters) to store them in CSV format and run your custom analysis scripts (see folder analysis).

This section has described how to use the contents of this repository to train variations of what has already been implemented. To add your own models and analysis, you will want to know how to contribute to the spine module.

Running A Configuration File

Most basic usage is to use the run script. From the spine folder:

nohup python3 bin/ train_gnn.cfg >> log_gnn.txt &

This will train a GNN specified in config/train_gnn.cfg, save checkpoints and logs to specified directories in the cfg, and output stderr and stdout to log_gnn.txt

You can generally load a configuration file into a python dictionary using

import yaml
# Load configuration file
with open('spine/config/train_uresnet.cfg', 'r') as f:
    cfg = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)

Reading a Log

A quick example of how to read a training log, and plot something

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fname = 'path/to/log.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(fname)

# plot moving average of accuracy over 10 iterations
df.accuracy.rolling(10, min_periods=1).mean().plot()
plt.title("moving average of accuracy")

# list all column names

Recording network output or running analysis

We use LArTPC MLReco3D Analysis Tools for all inference and high-level analysis related work.

Repository Structure

  • bin contains very simple scripts that run the training/inference functions.
  • config has various example configuration files.
  • docs Documentation (in progress)
  • spine the main code lives there!
  • test some testing using Pytest

Please consult the README of each folder respectively for more information.


Before you start contributing to the code, please see the contribution guidelines.

Adding a new model

You may be able to re-use a fair amount of code, but here is what would be necessary to do everything from scratch:

  1. Make sure you can load data you need.

Parsers already exist for a variety of sparse tensor outputs as well as particle outputs.

The most likely place you would need to add something is to spine/io/

If the data you need is fundamentally different from data currently used, you may also need to add a collation function to spine/iotools/

  1. Include your model

You should put your model in a new file in the spine/models folder.

Add your model to the dictionary in spine/models/ so it can be found by the configuration parsers.

At this point, you should be able to train your model using a configuration file.