Async amount of requests and check if outcome is steady using deepStrictEqual.
Originally needed to test if TensorFlow 2 is thread safe.
npm install
npm run fetch -- --url --count 3
> node test.js "-u" "" "-c" "3"
Check if gives equal response.
Total amount of requests: 3.
individualRequest: 135.848ms
individualRequest: 136.855ms
individualRequest: 137.291ms
AllRequestsFinished: 138.473ms
Raw response:
{ userId: 1, id: 1, title: 'delectus aut autem', completed: false }
All are deep equal!
Run following command (--assert) to add request count number at end of the url to see how it looks like if there are differences in the response data.
npm run fetch -- --url --count 2 --assert
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be strictly deep-equal:
+ actual - expected
completed: true,
+ id: 12,
+ title: 'ipsa repellendus fugit nisi',
- id: 11,
- title: 'vero rerum temporibus dolor',
userId: 1