After having cracked quite a few questions on Leetcode (check out my profile on, trying to aim for 1 question a day since 2019, I started to publish my solutions here too!
The inspiration for solving one question everyday came from the great book Atomic Habits:
And remember: maybe in 2 years React, Python, Java or whatever you're working with may not be around any longer, but you'll always have to master algorithms!
I'm trying to keep up to the rhythm of one question every day. I mostly solve Medium question, as they are about just the right difficult level to keep a consistent pace over a long period of time. I did attempt quite an amount of Hard ones, as well, some of which I find really hard until today. I normally just pick a random Medium question and start grinding. Some of them are frustrating and kinda useless, but some are brilliant, very interesting problems!
I never look at the solutions, really. If I cannot solve a question after some time, I just leave it. I add it to my To-Do list, if it looks like an interesting question, and try again later. There were plenty of questions to which I returned after some time, like a month, and was able to solve after giving myself a break.
Sometimes I do look at the hints, though. Always as little as possible, and, if so, I peek just at the first hint, and look at the other ones only if I'm still stuck.
After consistently doing this for 5+ years, I've now solved 1000+ questions. That's a LOT. I'm aiming to write a post on Medium about what I learned in this process, and I'll link here.