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AxVultis edited this page Nov 12, 2022 · 14 revisions

The reset method allows you to re-sync (rescan) your wallet container including all the containers addresses. Please note that on containers with a lot of wallets and transactions, the process can take some time. The more addresses and transactions, the longer it can take and the more resources intensive it can be. With the getStatus command, you can see the current status of the resync.

Important: If the privateViewKey is not given, it resets the wallet and re-syncs it. If the privateViewKey argument is given then the method substitutes the existing wallet with a new one with a specified privateViewKey and creates an address for it.

Request Format


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 16,
  "method": "reset",
  "params": {
    "privateViewKey": "4a2583e42d010e8aabfed22743789569714196246bf01b5f2fec35af9232d907"

Request details:

Argument Mandatory Description Format
scanHeight No The height to begin scanning for transactions at. This can greatly speed up wallet syncing time. int
privateViewKey No A privateViewKey to substitute the existing wallet with string

Response Format


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 16,
  "result": {

Possible Errors

  • Parse error - Incorrect formatting, JSON, or quotation marks used.
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