Python On Komputers for Enhanced Management Over Networks
This is the project for managing the interoperability of the plane. The majority of the project is python based, due to the nature of the competition server's python based API.
The main script that is used for mavlink recieve and broadcast is Python 2.7 Currently there are no procedures for Python 3 and above, so it is essential to use Python 2.7 at this time. The front end of the application is to be built using an electron based build.
Make sure you have the python dev packages availble: sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install python-pip
You should be able to install everything from the requirements list run:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
You also need to update the competition's interoperability competition server repository so that we can use their client tools:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Inorder to gain interface access to the electron module, you will need to install all
packages regarding electron.
You can execute this with the following command:
sudo npm install -g
Main automation testing is done through Software in the Loop (SITL)
When you execute SITL, load the main Waypoint data, and then run.
Find your ip address on your computer by typing ifconfig
in command line.
The program in it's entirety can be run with the initiation script:
The IP address needs to be added to SITL's output by adding it through output add <ipaddr>:14550
When you Add that and then run: cd src && python
the command should run.