Hermit is a plugin that allows your items to have abilities.
- Download the jar and put it in your plugins folder of your server and restart the server.
- You require java 17
- Software tested: SPIGOT
Link: https://github.com/Call4han/Hermit/blob/final/src/main/resources/config.yml Here you can modify the skills, and also the cooldown of the items.
Link: https://github.com/Call4han/Hermit/blob/final/src/main/resources/lang.yml Here you can translate all the messages, lores and displays of the items and inventories.
Hermit.op (Only permission).
Hermit reload:
- This is to reload the plugin every time a change is made. Hermit open:
- With this command you can open the inventory to start creating items.
- The pull request is welcome as long as it is positive.
- Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.