This is TeethHub. TeethHub is targeted towards Dentists who prefer to type.
The primary function of TeethHub is to manage and store patient information and their records, and to display a representation of each patient’s teeth.
TeethHub can also export these information to PDF and display statistics generated from these information.
TeethHub is a desktop application. It has a GUI but most of the user interactions happen using a CLI (Command Line Interface).
TeethHub is developed in an OOP fashion in Java through the efforts of a five man team from NUS: Jonathan Choo, Keith Sim, Kyler Wong, Lim Jia Hao and Wang Debang
This application is morphed from the base AddressBook 4 created by NUS se-edu team.
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
Libraries used: TextFX, Jackson, Guava, JUnit5, Apache PDFBox, Apache Commons Logging