A geo-data visualization platform
var map = new A.Map({
cid: 'container',
tile: `http://mt2.google.cn/vt/lyrs=m&hl=zh-CN&gl=cn&x={0}&y={1}&z={2}`
If the layer is a GIS layer,you need to use the function project to convert the geo-coordinate LangLat to map point.
var ly1 = new A.Layer({
index: 1,
title: 'point'
china.features.forEach(fea => {
var geo = fea.geometry
if (fea.properties.name === '广东') {
new A.Polygon({
points: geo.coordinates,
width: 10000,
interactive: true,
fill: true,
style: {
strokeStyle: '#4B4B4B',
fillStyle: '#242424',
globalAlpha: 0.4
interactiveStyle: {
strokeStyle: '#4B4B4B',
fillStyle: '#242424',
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowColor: 'white',
globalAlpha: 0.5
map.setCenterLngLat([103.35, 37], 5)