A basic PHP wrapper to make using the BrightLocal API a little easier. It takes care of authentication so you just need to specify which method you want to call and pass parameters.
It's easiest to install and use the library via Composer.
Step 1: Add to the requires section of your composer.json file.
"require": {
"brightlocal/api": "0.*"
Step 2: Install
composer install
require 'BrightLocal/Api.php';
$api = new BrightLocal\Api('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET');
// get a list of clients
// get a client
print_r($api->call('/v2/clients/get', array(
'client-id' => 1059
// get LSRC report list
// get LSRC report
print_r($api->call('/v2/lsrc/get', array(
'campaign-id' => 50
// get CT report list
// get a CT report
print_r($api->call('/v2/ct/get', array(
'report-id' => 259
Example scripts can be found in /Examples. We'll be adding to these scripts over time.