- 🌱 I’m currently learning web application security.
- Networking: TCP/IP, DNS, VPNs, SSH, VLANs, NAT, DHCP
- Security Technology: Firewalls, IDS/IPS, SIEM, VPN, Cryptography(RSA, AES)
- Platforms: Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu, Kali Linux), Windows Server, Cloud (AWS, Azure), Git, GitHub, GitLab
- Security Tool: Burp Suite, Wireshark, Nessus, Metasploit, Nmap
- Programming & Scripting: Python (Django framework, Django rest framework, Pytorch), Bash
- Security Practices: Threat analysis, Vulnerability Management, Penetration Testing
Linux | Ubuntu | Kali | Metasploit | Wireshark | Burpsuite | Netcat | Nmap |
Projects/Labs | Level | Description | Technologies |
Programming: Django Blog Application | Beginner | I designed and developed a blog application that allows users to explore and view detailed posts efficiently. The project includes SEO-friendly URLs, pagination, and a comment feature to boost user engagement. Additionally, I integrated a third-party tagging system for enhanced content categorization and implemented full-text search to improve search functionality. The application was deployed using Docker Compose. | Python, Django Framework, Docker, PostgreSQL databases. |
Programming: Social Web Application with Django and React | Pre-Intermediate | This project combines Django REST Framework (DRF) for the backend and React for the frontend to build a social application. The application implements essential features such as user authentication, post creation, liking, commenting, and associated CRUD operations. The frontend in React interacts with the backend API built using DRF, making the application efficient and scalable. | Python, Django Rest Framework, Pytest, React, Redis, Docker, PostgreSQL databases. |
Programming: E-Learning Platform | Intermediate | The projects focused on ensuring secure access through the implementation of an authentication system, utilizing model inheritance and custom fields to enhance flexibility in managing course content. Additionally, a CMS was developed using class-based views and mixins, with security controls applied through groups and permissions. The project also incorporated caching with Memcached and Redis to optimize performance, alongside the implementation of course catalog views, student enrollment, and content rendering. Real-time communication was achieved through Django Channels with Redis, improving both scalability and responsiveness. Finally, the application was deployed in a production environment using Docker Compose, with NGINX, uWSGI, and Daphne, secured by SSL/TLS for robust and efficient hosting. | Python, Django Framework, Docker Compose, Redis, PostgreSQL, NGINX, uWSGI. |
Network Security: Security Monitoring using Wazuh | Beginner -> Pre-Intermediate | Learn how to set up zero-cost security automation, incident response, file integrity monitoring systems, and cloud security monitoring | Wazuh, Suricata, ... |
Programming: Django Movies Stores Projects | Beginner | Learning a basic Django Framework with projects. Admin site to manage movies. User can finding movie, read and write comment. Additional, User can buy movie in store. | Django Framework, Bootstrap v5, HTML, SQLite3 |
Interacting With MISP’s API to detect IoCs with Wazuh Alerts | Beginner | Integrated MISP and Wazuh to streamline network security threat detection, eliminating the need for manual correlation between Wazuh alerts and MISP for identifying potential Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). The process involved identifying eligible Wazuh rules, developing a Python integration script, modifying Wazuh’s ossec.conf to include the MISP integration, and creating custom rules within MISP to enhance detection capabilities. | Python, Wazuh, MISP |