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Releases: BNLNPPS/tpc-rs

v0.2.0: Improved API for extracting distorted hits and charges

25 Sep 20:38
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- Distorted positions of simulated hits can be now extracted without going
through the entire simulation chain. Can help with studies of distortion effects
- In addition to digitized output, added the ability to output zero suppressed
charges per channel
- Reworked test to do numerical comparison to a reference without dumping values
in a text file
- General code clean up and reorganization. Registered DOI with Zenodo. Removed
unused cofiguration structs

v0.1.0: First public release with CI, tests, and example

25 Sep 21:22
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Some noteworthy changes since last pre-release:

- Users can use arbitrary type for magnetic field with the minimal requirement
of defining a method `Vec3 MagneticField::ValueAt(Vec3 p) const`
- Converted some public types and functions to templates giving user more
- Introduced new class for distortion calculations
  - Currently implemented distortion due to magentic field shape
- Cleaned up dEdx calculations for local TPC gain corrections. Also, cleaned up
coordinate transformations
- Covered by LGPL license due to borrowed code from the ROOT project