Releases: Azure/aspnet-redis-providers
RedisSessionStateProvider v5.0.4
Remove empty catch swallowing serialization errors.
RedisSessionStateProvider v5.0.3
This version fixes a bug in v5.0.2 where the null check during deserialization was not sufficient. We added a try-catch back to the method.
RedisSessionStateProvider v5.0.2
This version updates Stack Exchange Redis and adds a null check for the serialization methods.
Removed try-catch around serialization so it now throws an error. Updated the assembly versions to match the release versions. Downgraded Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces to version 5.0.0
Removed try-catch around serialization so it now throws an error. Updated the assembly versions to match the release versions. Downgraded Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces to version 5.0.0
RedisSessionStateProvider v5.0.0 - !!!Breaking Change!!!
This release provides an update for the RedisSessionStateProvider nuget package. As a BREAKING CHANGE, the underlying serialization method has changed. SessionStateItemCollection objects are now treated as an atomic unit. The ability to add custom serialization has been removed. These changes were made for necessary security improvements.
RedisOutputCachingMiddleware for ASP.NET Core 3.1 - 6.0
This package adds support for output caching middleware used in ASP.NET core 3.1 - 6.0.
NuGet-Release/RedisOutputCacheProvider-4.0.0 !!! BREAKING CHANGE !!!
This release provides an update for the RedisSessionStateProvider nuget package. As a BREAKING CHANGE, the underlying serialization method has changed. The ability to add custom serialization has been removed. These changes were made for necessary security improvements.