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Create Github Release #46

Create Github Release

Create Github Release #46

name: Create Github Release
description: "Provide a release version. e.g. v3.1.0"
required: true
type: string
# generate_extractor_artifacts:
# name: Generate extractor artifacts
# strategy:
# matrix:
# dotnet-runtime: [linux-x64, linux-arm64, linux-musl-x64, linux-musl-arm64, win-x64, osx-arm64, osx-x64]
# # Dynamically set the runner OS based on the .NET runtime
# runs-on: ${{ fromJSON('{"linux-x64":"ubuntu-latest", "linux-arm64":"ubuntu-latest", "linux-musl-x64":"ubuntu-latest", "linux-musl-arm64":"ubuntu:latest", "win-x64":"windows-latest", "osx-arm64":"macos-latest", "osx-x64":"macos-latest"}')[matrix.dotnet-runtime] }}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Setup .NET
# uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
# with:
# dotnet-version: 8.x
# - name: Generate executable
# run: |
# Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
# $InformationPreference = "Continue"
# Write-Information "Creating output directory..."
# $outputFolderPath = Join-Path "${{ runner.temp }}" "extractor-output"
# New-Item -Path "$outputFolderPath" -ItemType "Directory"
# Write-Information "Publishing application..."
# $sourcePath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "code" "extractor" "extractor.csproj"
# & dotnet publish "$sourcePath" --self-contained --runtime "${{ matrix.dotnet-runtime }}" -p:PublishSingleFile=true --output "$outputFolderPath"
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Generating extractor failed."}
# Get-ChildItem -Path $outputFolderPath -Recurse
# Write-Information "Zipping application..."
# $sourceFolderPath = Join-Path "$outputFolderPath" "*"
# $extractorFileNameWithoutExtension = "${{ format('extractor.{0}', matrix.dotnet-runtime) }}"
# $destinationFilePath = Join-Path "$outputFolderPath" "$($extractorFileNameWithoutExtension).zip"
# Compress-Archive -Path $sourceFolderPath -DestinationPath $destinationFilePath
# "{ZIP_FILE_PATH}=$destinationFilePath" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append
# Write-Information "Execution complete."
# shell: pwsh
# - name: Upload artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# path: ${{ format('{0}/{1}', runner.temp, env.ZIP_FILE_PATH) }}
name: Generate publisher artifacts
dotnet-runtime: [linux-x64, linux-arm64, linux-musl-x64, linux-musl-arm64, win-x64, osx-arm64, osx-x64]
# Dynamically set the runner OS based on the .NET runtime
runs-on: ${{ fromJSON('{"linux-x64":"ubuntu-latest", "linux-arm64":"ubuntu-latest", "linux-musl-x64":"ubuntu-latest", "linux-musl-arm64":"ubuntu:latest", "win-x64":"windows-latest", "osx-arm64":"macos-latest", "osx-x64":"macos-latest"}')[matrix.dotnet-runtime] }}
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup .NET
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
dotnet-version: 8.x
- name: Generate executable
run: |
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$InformationPreference = "Continue"
Write-Information "Creating output directory..."
$outputFolderPath = Join-Path "${{ runner.temp }}" "publisher-output"
New-Item -Path "$outputFolderPath" -ItemType "Directory"
Write-Information "Publishing application..."
$sourcePath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "code" "publisher" "publisher.csproj"
& dotnet publish "$sourcePath" --self-contained --runtime "${{ matrix.dotnet-runtime }}" -p:PublishSingleFile=true --output "$outputFolderPath"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Generating publisher failed."}
Get-ChildItem -Path $outputFolderPath -Recurse
Write-Information "Zipping application..."
$sourceFolderPath = Join-Path "$outputFolderPath" "*"
$publisherFileNameWithoutExtension = "${{ format('publisher.{0}', matrix.dotnet-runtime) }}"
$destinationFilePath = Join-Path "$outputFolderPath" "$($publisherFileNameWithoutExtension).zip"
Compress-Archive -Path $sourceFolderPath -DestinationPath $destinationFilePath -CompressionLevel Optimal
"{ZIP_FILE_PATH}=$destinationFilePath" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append
Write-Information "Execution complete."
shell: pwsh
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
path: ${{ format('{0}/{1}', runner.temp, env.ZIP_FILE_PATH) }}
# generate_github_pipeline_artifacts:
# name: Generate GitHub artifacts
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Update versions in YAML
# run: |
# Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
# $InformationPreference = "Continue"
# $runExtractorPath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "github_workflows" "run-extractor.yaml"
# (Get-Content -Path "$runExtractorPath") |
# ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace 'desired-version-goes-here', '${{ github.event.inputs.Release_Version }}'} |
# Set-Content -Path "$runExtractorPath"
# $runPublisherWithEnvPath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "github_workflows" "run-publisher-with-env.yaml"
# (Get-Content -Path "$runPublisherWithEnvPath") |
# ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace 'desired-version-goes-here', '${{ github.event.inputs.Release_Version }}'} |
# Set-Content -Path "$runPublisherWithEnvPath"
# Write-Information "Execution complete."
# shell: pwsh
# - name: Setup artifact contents
# run: |
# Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
# $InformationPreference = "Continue"
# $artifactsFolderPath = Join-Path "${{ runner.temp }}" "github_artifacts"
# Write-Information "Copying GitHub workflows..."
# $sourceFolderPath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "github_workflows" "*"
# $destinationFolderPath = Join-Path "$artifactsFolderPath" ".github" "workflows"
# New-Item -Path "$destinationFolderPath" -ItemType "Directory"
# Copy-Item -Path "$sourceFolderPath" -Destination "$destinationFolderPath" -Recurse
# Write-Information "Zipping artifacts..."
# $destinationFilePath = Join-Path "${{ runner.temp }}" ""
# # We use System.IO.Compression.ZipFile instead of Compress-Archive because of this issue:
# [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory("$artifactsFolderPath", "$destinationFilePath")
# Write-Information "Execution complete."
# shell: pwsh
# - name: Upload artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# path: ${{ runner.temp }}/
# generate_ado_pipeline_artifacts:
# name: Generate Azure DevOps artifacts
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Update versions in YAML
# run: |
# Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
# $InformationPreference = "Continue"
# $runExtractorPath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "azdo_pipelines" "run-extractor.yaml"
# (Get-Content -Path "$runExtractorPath") |
# ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace 'desired-version-goes-here', '${{ github.event.inputs.Release_Version }}'} |
# Set-Content -Path "$runExtractorPath"
# $runPublisherWithEnvPath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "azdo_pipelines" "run-publisher-with-env.yaml"
# (Get-Content -Path "$runPublisherWithEnvPath") |
# ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace 'desired-version-goes-here', '${{ github.event.inputs.Release_Version }}'} |
# Set-Content -Path "$runPublisherWithEnvPath"
# Write-Information "Execution complete."
# shell: pwsh
# - name: Setup artifact contents
# run: |
# Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
# $InformationPreference = "Continue"
# $artifactsFolderPath = Join-Path "${{ runner.temp }}" "azdo_artifacts"
# Write-Information "Copying Azure DevOps pipelines..."
# $sourceFolderPath = Join-Path "${{ github.workspace }}" "tools" "azdo_pipelines" "*"
# $destinationFolderPath = Join-Path "$artifactsFolderPath" "tools" "pipelines"
# New-Item -Path "$destinationFolderPath" -ItemType "Directory"
# Copy-Item -Path "$sourceFolderPath" -Destination "$destinationFolderPath" -Recurse
# Write-Information "Zipping artifacts..."
# $destinationFilePath = Join-Path "${{ runner.temp }}" ""
# # We use System.IO.Compression.ZipFile instead of Compress-Archive because of this issue:
# [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory("$artifactsFolderPath", "$destinationFilePath")
# Write-Information "Execution complete."
# shell: pwsh
# - name: Upload artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# path: ${{ runner.temp }}/
# generate_release:
# name: Generate release
# needs:
# [
# generate_extractor_artifacts,
# generate_publisher_artifacts,
# generate_github_pipeline_artifacts,
# generate_ado_pipeline_artifacts,
# ]
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# permissions:
# contents: write
# steps:
# - name: Download artifacts
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# - name: Create release
# uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
# with:
# files: |
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/extractor.linux-x64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/extractor.linux-arm64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/extractor.linux-musl-x64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/extractor.linux-musl-arm64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/extractor.osx-arm64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/extractor.osx-x64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/publisher.linux-x64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/publisher.linux-arm64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/publisher.linux-musl-x64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/publisher.linux-musl-arm64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/publisher.osx-arm64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/publisher.osx-x64
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/
# ${{github.workspace}}/artifact/
# name: APIOps Toolkit for Azure APIM ${{ github.event.inputs.Release_Version }}
# tag_name: ${{ github.event.inputs.Release_Version }}
# generate_release_notes: true