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Content Node: Configuration Details

Sid Sethi edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 1 revision

What is an Audius Content Node?

An Audius Content Node maintains the availability of creators' content on IPFS. The information stored includes audius user metadata, images, and audio content. The content is backed by a local file system.

Note: In the future, the service will be extended to handle proxy re-encryption requests from end-user clients and support other storage backends.

All registered creator nodes are visible here:

Table of Contents

Up and Running

Service Dependencies

The Content Node depends on external services to run:

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is used for a bit more automated management of the service dependencies.
Make sure you have Docker and Docker-compose installed and operational.

To start the content node along with its services, run

docker-compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yml up

In development, it may be useful to use the --build flag to rebuild changes.


The Audius Content Node is an evolving FOSS project. The application is dockerized for the ease of development and deployment of our user community. To use these images you will need to have Docker installed and operational.

Environment Variables

Variables listed in config.js can also be overridden via
1.) Environment variables using a : delimiter for nested fields.
2.) Creating a local-config.json file with the : delimited keys as nested fields.

The environment variables take the highest priority, then the local-config.json, then default-config.json

Required environment variables

ipfsClusterIP Default:
The IP address of the node in the kube cluster running ipfs to expose it so outside nodes can peer into it.

ipfsClusterPort Default: 0
The port of the node in the kube cluster running ipfs to expose it so outside nodes can peer into it

delegateOwnerWallet Default: null
This required environment variable is the public wallet address of the service provider running this service

delegatePrivateKey Default: null
This required environment variable is the private key of the service provider running this service

spOwnerWallet Default: wallet used by SP to register SP on chain
This required environment variable is the owner wallet that owns Audius tokens and registered this service, not to be confused with the delegateOwnerWallet

creatorNodeEndpoint Default: null
The URL of the endpoint that's been registered on chain. If the endpoint has not been registered on chain yet, enter the endpoint that you plan to register.

Optional environment variables

storagePath default: './file_storage'
The local storage path for content. Note, if the env vars: awsBucket, awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey are defined then aws s3 will take precedence as the content storage.

port Default: 4000
This optional environment variable defined the port the application uses to expose its API. If it is not specified, then the default port of 4000 will be used.

logLevel Default: debug
The npm package bunyan is used for logging. The log level options of the application are defined the the library's documentation

ipfsHost Default: localhost
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with ipfsPort to connect the application with an ipfs client. This variable will indicate the host on which the ipfs client is running. If it is not specified, then the default value of localhost will be used.

ipfsPort Default: 5001
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with ipfstHost to connect the application with a ipfs client. This variable will indicate the port on which the ipfs client is running. If it is not specified, then the default port of 4379 will be used.

dbUrl Default: postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:4432/audius_creator_node
This optional environment variable is used to define the postgres database url passed to the sequelize constructor. If it is not specified, then the default value of postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:4432/audius_creator_node will be used. Note that the pg user and password are passed as part of the dbUrl.

redisHost Default: localhost
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with redisPort to connect the application with a redis client. This variable will indicate the host on which the redis client is running. If it is not specified, then the default value of localhost will be used.

redisPort Default: 4379
This optional environment variable is used in conjunction with redistHost to connect the application with a redis client. This variable will indicate the port on which the redis client is running. If it is not specified, then the default port of 4379 will be used.

rateLimiting:audiusUserReqLimit Default: 3000 This optional environment variable is used to define the maximum number of request per hour per ip. The rate limiter is applied to the /audius_user endpoint. If it is not specified, then the value of 3000 will be used.

rateLimiting:userReqLimit Default: 3000
This optional environment variable is used to define the maximum number of request per hour per ip. The rate limiter is applied to the /users endpoint. If it is not specified, then the value of 3000 will be used.

rateLimiting:metadataReqLimit Default: 3000
This optional environment variable is used to define the maximum number of request per hour per ip. The rate limiter is applied to the /metadata endpoint. If it is not specified, then the value of 3000 will be used.

rateLimiting:imageReqLimit Default: 6000
This optional environment variable is used to define the maximum number of request per hour per ip. The rate limiter is applied to the /image_upload endpoint. If it is not specified, then the value of 6000 will be used.

rateLimiting:trackReqLimit Default: 6000 This optional environment variable is used to define the maximum number of request per hour per ip. The rate limiter is applied to the /track* endpoint. If it is not specified, then the value of 6000 will be used.

maxAudioFileSizeBytes Default: 1000000000
This optional environment variable is used to define the maximum audio file size that can be uploaded in bytes. If it is not specified, then the value of 1000000000 will be used. Note that by default: 1,000,000,000 bytes = 1GB

maxMemoryFileSizeBytes Default: 100000000
This optional environment variable is used to define the maximum memory file size that can be uploaded in bytes. If it is not specified, then the value of 100000000 will be used. Note that by default: 100,000,000 bytes = 100MB

WAIT_HOSTS Default:,
This optional environment variable is used to define the host:port pairs that the application waits for TCP port connection to before starting. The wait script uses these env vars. If not declared, the script executes without waiting.

Development-specific environment variables

Not to be used by service providers. URL of the ethereum provider to make contract calls

Not to be used by service providers. Network Id of the ethereum provider to make contract calls

Not to be used by service providers. Address of the Audius token contract on Ethereum

Not to be used by service providers. Address of the Audius registry on Ethereum

Not to be used by service providers. Wallet used by Audius to deploy contracts

Not to be used by service providers. Time to debounce between /sync requests

Not to be used by service providers. Whitelisted discovery providers to select from (comma-separated)

userMetadataNode Not to be used by service providers. Boolean to indicate if this node is of type "user metadata node".

Available Images

Official image (stable and tested)

The Official Docker Image Repository is where Audius' official, stable image is maintained.

docker pull audius/creator-node

Latest Release Image

This is an image released from the latest master branch.

docker pull audius/creator-node:latest

Specific Release Image

This is an image with an associated with a release build that has been published to the audius docker repository. Check the release notes for details on each version.

docker pull audius/creator-node:X.X.X

Discovering existing releases

You can select the release you need from our GitHub Release Page. Here’s a description of our current development and versioning strategy.

TODO: input dev/versioning strategy for publishing docker image

Build & Run the Content Node

For information about running this service locally, see the Service Commands folder for more information.