The purpose of this exercise is to debug a buggy bash script.
- clone this repository
- execute the following
cd <repo folder>
cp bash/sample.env bash/.env
- Edit the
file - Copy the output of the previous command as
value. - save your
Files of this exercise are in the /bash folder.
When I last executed this script, I lost all my home folders.
Since then, I tried to fix it. Here is latest version.
Obviously, it still has a bug. Your tasks are to :
- fix it
- make it production ready so it can be used by typing :
cd <repo folder>
The goal of this exercise is to automate the deployment of tomcat with Ansible and test the deployment in a container.
- Write an ansible tomcat_deploy.yml playbook to install a tomcat server with
the following parameters :
- Tomcat version : 8
- JVM Max heap size depending on environment :
DEV: 256Mo PROD: 512Mo
- Deploy "sample.war"
- Write a short "" (less than 10 lines) to test
ansible configuration in a docker container. This script should :
- build the test container from the Dockerfile contained in /tomcat_deploy
- launch the container and execute it from (already present) to execute the playbook and launch a set of tests.
- The
folder must be mounted as/data
of the docker container to be able to launch the test script. - The environnement (DEV/PROD) is passed as a parameter to the ansible command with
in order to configure the maximum heap of the JVM accordingly. - Tomcat installation, war deployment and heap parameteres are the only expected parameters expected in Ansible configuration (make it as simple as possible).
What do you think about this test ?
- This excercise has been tested with docker 1.13.1. If you use different version, do make it clear.
- put all your files in your local repository.
- Publish your answers on your own github/gitlab/bitbucket/other account.
- Send us a link to your git repository by mail.