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Supported Although not part of the main Ares code release, this is a supported plugin. Report any problems you encounter.

Designed for AresMUSH 1.0.

Note: This code has been run through its paces on a test server, but hasn't been playtested on a real game yet. The first game to implement this will receive extra technical support from Faraday to iron out any bugs.


This game uses a simplified implementation of the Cortex System used in the Firefly and Leverage RPGs.

Character Sheet for Carter

-----[ Attributes ]-----------------------------------------------------------
Agility:        d12+d4              Strength:       d8                  
Vitality:       d6                  Willpower:      d4                  

-----[ Skills ]---------------------------------------------------------------
Athletics:      d6      Running:d8
Guns:           d6      Pistols:d12, Rifles:d8
Melee Weapons:  d4      
Unarmed Combat: d6      Tae Kwon Do:d12

-----[ Assets ]---------------------------------------------------------------
Ambidextrous:   d2                  Blue Blood:     d4                  
Steady Calm:    d8                  

-----[ Complications ]--------------------------------------------------------
Allergy:        d8                  

-----[ Derived Attributes ]---------------------------------------------------
Endurance:      d4+d6               Resistance:     d6+d6               
Initiative:     d12+d4              

Plot Points:    0                   Life Points:    10                  
Advance Points: 4                   

The design of this plugin is described in detail in the Create Plugin Tutorial.

Web Portal

This plugin has no web portal component.


  1. Disable the FS3 plugins, as explained in Enabling and Disabling Plugins.
  2. In the game, run plugin/install <github url>.
  3. Go to Admin->Setup and change your chargen stages. Replace the FS3 stage with stages for FFG:


  help: skills


  help: cortex
  help: abilities

Additional configuration options are described below.


This plugin has several configuration options:

Starting Points

You can configure how many attribute, skill and trait points are allowed in chargen.

  • starting_attribute_points
  • starting_skill_points
  • starting_trait_points

Starting Steps

You can configure the maximum die step allowed for different ability types in chargen.

  • max_attribute_step
  • max_specialty_skill_step
  • max_complication_step
  • max_asset_step

Derived Stats

You can configure which stats are used to calculate the derived stats. For example:

    - Agility
    - Alertness


There are config files for each of assets, attributes, complications and skills. You can configure the list of abilities. For example:

  name: Animals
  description: Training and caring for animals.
  specialties: Riding, Zoology, Vet, Trainer
  name: Artistry
  description: Creative expression.
  specialties: Cooking, Composition, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Writing

A couple notes:

  • Skill specialties are a free-form text string, not a fixed list.
  • Assets and complications may specify the list of available steps. Otherwise all steps are permitted.


Removing the plugin requires some code fiddling. See Uninstalling Plugins.


Same as AresMUSH.