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Attendance tracking and data management flutter app using firebase as a backend with advanced data querying cababilities and realtime analytics


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Meeting Helper: Installing

Clone the repo or download the code

Create new Firebase project

  • Go to
  • Click "Add Project"
  • Choose a project name
  • Click continue
  • Click continue
  • Select a Google Analytics account
  • Click "Create Project"
  • Click continue

Add Android Application

  • Go to Project settings
  • Click on Android icon
  • Enter the package name (com.AndroidQuartz.meetinghelper)
  • Add app nickname (MeetingHelper - Android)
  • Don't download the google-services.json file now (will be downloaded later)
  • Click Next
  • Click Next
  • Click Continue to console

Enable Firebase services

1. Firebase Auth

  • Go to Authentication
  • Click Get Started
  • Click on Google
  • Enable Google sign in
  • Enter the project public-facing name: (خدمة مدارس الأحد)
  • Choose support email for the project
  • Click Save

2. Firestore Database

  • Go to Firestore Database
  • Click Create database
  • Click next
  • Choose the project Firestore location: (europe-west6) or any other region that is close to your location
  • Click Enable

3. Realtime Database

  • Go to Realtime Database
  • Click Create database
  • Choose the database location: Belgium (europe-west1) or any other region that is close to your location
  • Click Next
  • Click Enable
  • Add the following data to the database:
  "config": {
    "updates": {
      "latest_version": "8.2.5", //Fill in app latest version
      "deprecated_from": "7.1.9",
      "download_link": "", //Fill in download link
      "release_notes": "" //Fill in release notes link

4. Storage

  • At this point Firebase Storage should be automatically enabled

Firestore backup bucket

  • Go to
  • Create a new bucket with name "{projectId}-firestore-backup" (example: meetinghelper-cf3db-firestore-backup)
  • Give 'Cloud Datastore Import Export Admin' permission to app engine defualt account
  • Give 'Owner' or 'Storage Admin' permission for the same service account for the created bucket

    For more info see this

5. Dynamic Links

6. Firebase Functions

To use Firebase Functions (which is an essential part in the project) you would have to enable billing in the project

8. Google Maps API

  • Go to
  • Choose and Enable Maps SDK for Android
  • Go to
  • Click on Create Credentails and choose API Key
  • Copy the key and click Restirct Key
  • Rename the key to GMaps Android API Key
  • Choose restirct key under API Restirctions
  • Search for and choose Maps SDK for Android
  • Click Save
  • Create file in android\app\src\main\res\values\ and name it strings.xml
  • Paste in the following snippet replacing Your-Key with the API key:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="gmaps_api_key">Your-Key</string>

10. Sentry

  • Go to and create an account
  • Create new project, choose flutter and give it a name (for example "meetinghelper-keraza")
  • Copy the dsn and save it for later use

11. Deploying the project

Password Encryption

  • Create file Firebase CLI Sample\functions\src\passwordEncryption.ts
  • Paste the following snippet and implement some passowrd encryption Algorithm:
export function encryptPassword(rawPassword: string): string {
  //TODO: implement password encryption algorithm, same as front-end
  return rawPassword.split("").reverse().join("");

Environment variables

  • Create file Firebase CLI Sample\functions\.env and add environment variables
FB_DYNAMIC_LINKS_KEY=<the key you created and copied from the project credentails>
  • Fill the values that are surrounded by <> without <>
  • Edit the ADMIN_PASSWORD to a strong one
  • Edit PACKAGE_NAME if package name is different

Setting CORS policy

    "origin": [
    "responseHeader": ["Content-Type"],
    "method": ["GET", "HEAD"],
    "maxAgeSeconds": 3600
  • Run the command gsutil cors set cors.json gs:// replacing projectId with your actual projectId

Deploying rtdb, firestore, fuctions, and storage

  • Install Firebase tools using npm install -g firebase-tools
  • Using the terminal go to the Firebase CLI Sample directory
  • Run the command: firebase init
  • Select: Realtime Database, Firestore, Functions and Storage
  • Choose an ccount or login if prompted
  • Choose Use an existing project
  • Choose the project you created earlier
  • Choose NOT to overwrite current configuration
  • When prompted for functions choose TypeScript
  • Choose no: Do you want to use ESLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style?
  • After the command finishes run firebase deploy

12. Flutter part

  • Create file in lib\utils and name it encryption_keys.dart
  • Paste the following snippet and implement some passowrd encryption Algorithm:
class Encryption {
  static String encryptPassword(String rawPassword) {
    //TODO: implement password encryption algorithm, same as back-end
    return rawPassword.split('').reversed.join();
  • Create file in the root directory and name it secrets.dart
  • Paste the following snippet replacing Your-Sentry-DSN with actual DSN:
const sentryDSN = 'Your-Sentry-DSN';
  • Create file in the root directory and name it .env
  • Paste in the following code:

13. Android part


Creating keys
  • Using Terminal go to android\app
  • Run the following command keytool -genkey -v -keystore dKey.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias debug
  • Enter the debug keystore password and save it for later use
  • Enter your info
  • Run the command keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore dKey.jks -destkeystore dKey.jks -deststoretype pkcs12 then enter the password
  • Run the following command keytool -genkey -v -keystore rKey.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias release
  • Enter the release keystore password and save it for later use
  • Enter your info
  • Run the command keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore rKey.jks -destkeystore rKey.jks -deststoretype pkcs12 then enter the password
  • Rename dKey.jks to dKey.keystore and rKey.jks to rKey.keystore
Creating keys configurations
  • Go to android\ and create two files and
  • Paste the following in replacing Debug-Password with your password:
  • Paste the following in replacing Release-Password with your password:
Restirecting API using signatures
  • Using the Terminal go to android\app
  • Run the following command keytool -list -v -keystore dKey.keystore -alias debug
  • Copy the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes
  • Run the following command keytool -list -v -keystore rKey.keystore -alias release
  • Copy the SHA1 and SHA256 hashes
  • Go to
  • Open the GMaps API Key and under applications restirections choose android apps
  • Click on add an item
  • Enter the package name and SHA1 hash for the debug key
  • Click Done
  • Click on add an item
  • Enter the package name and SHA1 hash for the release key
  • Click Done
  • Click Save
  • Repeat these steps on the Android Key (auto created by Firebase)

Firebase App Check (optional)

Note: Firebase App Check is still in Beta support in Flutter:

  • Go to Firebase App Check -> Apps
  • You should find the Android app, click on it
  • Expand Play Integrity, check the app signatures and accept the TOS then click save
  • Expand Safety Net, check the app signatures and accept the TOS then click save
  • Now you can go to APIs tab and enforce the APIs you want

Google services

  • Go to
  • Choose the project
  • Go to project settings
  • Under Android apps and under SHA certificate fingerprints click Add fingerprint
  • Add each of SHA1 and SHA256 of each of the debug and release keys
  • Download google-services.json and copy it to android/app


Attendance tracking and data management flutter app using firebase as a backend with advanced data querying cababilities and realtime analytics





