Kubernetes replication controller and AWS ECR auto deploy image.
- Create S3 Bucket
- Populate with your auto-deploy-config
- Create AMI
- Set secrets using created AMI
- Deploy Image Using Config
The deployment config file looks like this; It should be stored on S3 and will be checked every tick.
"updatedAt": "2-10-2017",
"deployTargets": [
"friendlyName": "Your Application",
"comments": "Will be used for UI later; builds expected to have incrementing numbers ie `build123` and `build124`",
"fromEcr": {
"repositoryName": "your-ecr-repo-name",
"whereMatches": "build(\\d*)"
"toReplicationController": {
"namespace": "default",
"rcName": "your-replication-controller-name",
"targetContainer": "your-template-container-name"
TODO: Explain all properties.