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####Please help me make this timeline more detailed, relevant and technical.

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Please add your name to this list if you've made edits: Alexander Haislip, Jordan Evans, Troy Toman, Everett Toews, Joshua McKenty, Foo

##Items still in need of clarification:

  1. Which is a better measure of community participation: lines of code or commits? What metric would you want to see to indicate the increased size of each release?
  2. Does anyone know where I can data similar to what's available at for the first three releases?
  3. When did the OpenStack foundation release its Governance Framework letter? I've nailed it down to March 2012, but want a specific date.

###Rackspace Subsidiary Mosso Launches Cloud-Like Services 19 Feb 2008

Billed as a web application hosting service, Mosso offers 50 GB of storage, 500 GB of bandwidth for transferring data and 3 million HTTP requests for $100 per month. After two years of internal testing, Mosso claims to host 37,000 applications.

###Rackspace Acquires SliceHost, JungleDisk 22 Oct 2008

Slicehost boosts Rackspace's on-demand infrastructure offerings. Slicehost offers developers “slices” in Xen-based virtual servers that are much cheaper and generally easier to use than a traditional dedicated server. Slicehost cofounder Jason Seats becomes an important internal advocate for an open source cloud strategy.

###Jesse Andrews Incorporates Consulting Firm 08 May 2009

Andrews files with the California Secretary of State for Overstimulate LLC, a consulting firm that he will later use as an entity to do business as Anso Labs. Website Hastily Launched 20 May 2009

Upon finding out that the Agency CIO has discussed their skunkworks project during an interview in DC, scheduled to go live the next day, Joshua McKenty hastily throws together a django site for from some of their initial components.

The architecture for its IaaS prototype is published for the first time - Josh's typo on "Luster" will haunt him for the next 3 years.

###NASA Agency CI Bobby German Leaks Announcement of NASA Nebula on Federal News Radio 20 May 2009

NASA plans on implementing a cloud demonstration program at the Ames Research Center later this year.

###Open Government Initiative Signed by the President 08 Dec 2009

On his very first day in office, President Obama signed a memorandum to all federal agencies directing them to break down barriers to transparency, participation, and collaboration between the federal government and the people it is to serve. This initiative helps provide justification for the NASA Nebula project.

###Government Contractors Form Anso Labs ???DATE???

A group of government contractors working on the NASA Nebula project band together to form Anso Labs - a dba of OverStimulate Holdings, LLC.

###Rackspace Decides to Open Source Cloud Software 01 Mar 2010

After long and heated discussions amongst senior leaders and the board of directors, Rackspace decides to open source its cloud. The initiative was not formally announced until July 19, 2010.

###NASA "Open Sources" Nebula Platform 07 Apr 2010

Chris Kemp announces the open sourcing of NASA's Nebula Platform on the agency's blog and ties the project to the Open Government Directive. Kemp writes: "Nebula will open the doors to transparency, participation and collaboration with powerful, economical computing resources built for government. By releasing the Nebula software stack as Open Source and publishing our entire operating model, Nebula will enable other government Agencies to benefit from NASA's experience."

Still no source code publicly available.

###Anso Team starts Nova Project (initially titled PiNet) 08 Apr 2010

Working over a long weekend, Jesse Andrews, Josh McKenty, Vishvananda Ishaya, Andy Smith, Todd Willey and Devin Carlen effectively rewrite Eucalyptus in Python. The team open sources its work under the Apache2.0 license.

Jesse Andrew made the first commit to GitHub, to a repository at termie/pinet.

###Anso Team Makes its Repository Public and Announces the First Release of 28 May 2010

###Rackspace's Jim Curry Writes to NASA's Chris Kemp 04 Jun 2010

Curry writes: “I run corporate development at Rackspace, and am very interested in talking with your team about Nebula. Confidentially, we are in the process of open sourcing our cloud stack and I am interested in seeing if there might be some synergies/opportunities for the two projects to work together. Would it be possible to setup some time to discuss with your team?”

###Rick Clark Tips Off Rackspace to the Nebula Source Code 07 June 2010

Discovers that the NASA Nebula team effectively rewrote Eucalyptus in Python and open sourced it. The Nova code and its synergies with Rackspace's Swift file storage system become the topic of discussion when Rackspace and the NASA contractors meet.

###Rackspace Travels to NASA AMES, Forms OpenStack 06 Jun 2010 ???DATE CHECK???

Rackspace brings Swift, NASA brings Nova. The two organizations agree to share code, open source it all and a technical meritocracy is born.

###Andrews and McKenty Visit the Executive Office of the President to Discuss Possibilities for Broader Federal Cloud Initiative 11 June 2010

###Chris Kemp Named NASA CTO of IT 23 Jun 2010

Kemp provided the impetus to create Nebula and moves into a role where he can continue to work on advanced, long-term IT projects.

###Jesse Andrews Demos Nova at CloudCamp 23 Jun 2010

An early public demonstration of the on-demand compute platform developed by the Anso team.

###Joshua McKenty Speaks at CERN about NASA Nebula 1 July 2010

Unable to disclose the plans for OpenStack, CERN's technical leadership is unimpressed, and they carry forward with their plans to deploy OpenNebula. CERN later becomes a major OpenStack supporter, and one of the largest OpenStack private clouds, with Tim Bell taking a seat on the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors.

###Overstimulate LLC files for "Anso Labs" trademark 5 Jul 2010

Jesse Andrews and Soo Choi join forces to launch Anso (a combination of Andrews and Soo) Labs, after Soo Choi leaves Booz Allen Hamilton to commit herself to the NASA Nebula project full-time.

First website goes up - "We are too busy building NASA's cloud to make a website... Email Us: [email protected]"

###Lew Moorman Speaks at Design Summit >MULTIMEDIA< 10 Jul 2010

###First OpenStack Summit is held in San Antonio 13 Jul 2010

The so-called "Secret" Summit has about 100 participants from 40 companies. Anso Labs team finish changing the copyright assignment on all source code to NASA, a compromise that allows the source code to be once again publicly available in time for the day-3 hackathon.

###Josh McKenty Discusses NASA's Nebula Cloud >MULTIMEDIA< 14 Jul 2010

###Anso Labs Waives its Copyright Opportunity on Nebula and Assigns its Intellectual Property to NASA 15 Jul 2010

###OpenStack Launches 18 Jul - 22 Jul 2010

18 Jul: Rackspace's Lew Moorman announces the company's intention to open source its cloud software in a blog post:

"Imagine a world where code used by the biggest clouds is freely available to any developer, anywhere. A world where that code was a standard used to build private clouds as well as a variety of new service offers. In this world, workloads could be moved around these clouds easily – you could fire your cloud provider for bad service or lack of features, but not have to rewrite the software to do it.Imagine an open source cloud operating system that lifts IT to the next level of innovation, just as Linux drove the web to new heights.Today, we at Rackspace launched an ambitious project called OpenStack that aims to make this new world a reality."

19 Jul: Rackspace Issues a Press Release: OpenStack Launches with 25+ Partners

Rackspace(R) Hosting (NYSE:RAX) today announced the launch of OpenStack(TM), an open-source cloud platform designed to foster the emergence of technology standards and cloud interoperability. The project will also incorporate technology that powers the NASA Nebula Cloud Platform. Rackspace and NASA plan to actively collaborate on joint technology development and leverage the efforts of open-source software developers worldwide. More than 25 companies were represented at the Design Summit including AMD, Autonomic Resources, Citrix,, Cloudkick, Cloudscaling, CloudSwitch, Dell, enStratus, FathomDB, Intel, iomart Group, Limelight, Nicira, NTT DATA, Opscode, PEER 1, Puppet Labs, RightScale, Riptano, Scalr, SoftLayer, Sonian, Spiceworks, Zenoss and Zuora.

22 Jul 2010: Lew Moorman Announces OpenStack at OSCON

###John Engates Discusses OpenStack >MULTIMEDIA< 10 Oct 2010

###Nebula IaaS Goes GA in NASA 18 Oct 2010

The NASA Nebula team opens its Infrastructure-as-a-Service compute offering to NASA employees for use. The system still needs final security checks, but features resource quota tracking by project, resource availability zones, user-defined instance naming and an improved interface.

###First 'Austin' Code Released with 35+ Partners 21 Oct 2010

The Austin update eases deployment, fixes bugs and adds new features, such as a statistics processor and better access control. A second component called OpenStack Compute is a provisioning engine built with code from Cloud Servers and Nebula. It is now suitable for testing and prototypes with the arrival of Austin.

###Inaugural Design Summit in San Antonio 09 Nov 2010

Held at the Weston Centre, San Antonio, this design summit focuses on what the community wants to develop in the object storage and compute projects as well as what additional functionality to put on the roadmap. Some 300 people attend. The big question? What would it take to make these projects ready for deployment by service providers.

###Chris Kemp Talks About OpenStack >MULTIMEDIA< 10 Nov 2010 Uploaded on Nov 10, 2010 Dell's Cloud evangelist Barton George interviews NASA CTO of IT, Chris Kemp. Chris talks about cloud computing at NASA and their participation in the OpenStack project. Filmed at OpenStack design summit, Nov 9, 2010, San Antonio, TX.

###Bexar Release 03 Feb 2011 The Bexar release introduces large file support for OpenStack Object Storage (Swift), the OpenStack Image registry and Delivery service (Glance) and a lot of new features in OpenStack Compute (Nova).

###Rackspace Acquires Anso Labs 09 Feb 2011

Rackspace buys Anso for an undisclosed amount and with it gets some of the technologists responsible for creating the on-demand computing project Nova.

###First ever RCB training and OpenStack deployment outside of NASA 10 Mar 2011 - 11 Mar 2011

The Rackspace Cloud Builders team (led by Soo Choi, Anthony Young, Vish Ishaya, and Jordan Rinke) gave their first ever training in Edmonton, AB, Canada. The training was conducted for Cybera (led by John Shillington, Barton Satchwill, and Everett Toews) to learn the inner workings of OpenStack. Vish returned to the Cybera offices the week of April 18th to help stand up the first ever OpenStack deployment outside of NASA for the Canadian DAIR project. (Image album) (Please find a way to use this image of Jordan)

###Chris Kemp Resigns from NASA & Starts Nebula 19 Mar 2011 - 25 Mar 2011

Kemp announces his resignation on the NASA blog:

"I thought I had the best of both worlds being a Headquarters employee stationed in Silicon Valley, I actually had the worst of both worlds… no influence when I can't be in all of those meetings at NASA HQ, with no mandate to manage projects at Ames. As budgets kept getting cut and continuing resolutions from Congress continued to make funding unavailable, I saw my vision for the future slowly slip further from my grasp. So, today, I am announcing that I am leaving the place I dreamed of working as a kid to find a garage in Palo Alto to do what I love."

Chris Kemp Founds Fourth Paradigm Development (Nebula)

Kemp launches Fourth Paradigm Development, Inc. with Steve O’Hara and Devin Carlen. In April, the company received seed investments from the first few investors in Google, including Andy Bechtolsheim, Ram Shriram, and David Cheriton. An investment from KPCB and Highland Capital Partners comes in May. Kemp formally launches Nebula 27 Jul 2011.

###Anso Labs Cloud Builders >MULTIMEDIA< 05 Apr 2011

###Cactus Release 15 Apr 2011

###OpenStack Design Summit 26 Apr 2011

Santa Clara, CA

###Citrix Buys 12 Jul 2011

Citrix Systems buys, maker of CloudStack. The move will eventually lead Citrix to abandon development of its commercial OpenStack distribution: Project Olympus. Within a year, Citrix pulls support for OpenStack and donates CloudStack to the Apache Foundation.

###HP Joins OpenStack 27 Jul 2011

HP (NYSE:HPQ) Wednesday revealed it has put its support behind the OpenStack cloud, the open source cloud infrastructure project.

###Rackspace Begins OpenStack Cloud Testing 01 Sep 2011

Rackspace President Lew Moorman writes: "Two weeks ago, we started inviting a small set of customers and partners to use a private alpha of Compute running in our data centers. Over the coming weeks and months we will add features, capabilities and customers.We will refine the code, work out bugs, solidify our operational systems and start hooking in our production systems. Priority #1 inside our cloud product development organization is making this shift, and we could not be more excited about it."

###Diablo Release 22 Sep 2011

Company Commits: Rackspace 3158 *independent 768 Nebula 439 Cisco Systems 245 ThoughtWorks 176 HP 142 VMware 132 Citrix 131 NTT 109 Piston Cloud 100 VA Linux 96

Company Lines of Code: Rackspace 355508 *independent 285729 HCL 48574 Cisco Systems 40627 ThoughtWorks 17468 Nebula 14567 VMware 13324 Zadara Storage 12096 Citrix 11914 NTT 10852 AT&T 10247

Top Ten Projects (By Commits) 1 nova 2793 2 keystone 799 3 horizon 519 4 melange 422 5 neutron 383 6 glance 362 7 swift 191 8 python-novaclient 174 9 gerrit 102 10 config 97

Data via

###Boston Design Summit 3 Oct 2011

###Rackspace announces intention to form an OpenStack Foundation in 2012

###Akamai joins OpenStack Community 08 Oct 2011

###Piston Cloud OpenStack Play Gets $4.5 Million Boost 04 Nov 2011

Anso Labs cofounder Josh McKenty's Piston Cloud raises $4.5 million to continue work on customized OpenStack distributions. Hummer Winblad and True Ventures lead the investment.

###InfoWorld: Why OpenStack Will Falter 04 Nov 2011

Svio Rodrigues suggests: "Open source history suggests that Eucalyptus, a private cloud implementation of Amazon Web Services, will triumph over OpenStack"

###AT&T Joins OpenStack 09 Jan 2012

AT&T becames the first U.S. telecom service provider to join OpenStack.

###TryStack Sandbox Launches 16 Feb 2012

Today, a project that has been a long time in the making is finally coming to fruition. Back last summer, when I was working at Rackspace, Nati Ueno from NTT PF Labs came up with the idea of establishing a “Free Cloud” — a site running OpenStack that developers using the OpenStack APIs could use to test their software.

###Rackspace Cloud Powered by OpenStack™ [Beta] 01 Mar 2012

Today the next-generation Cloud Servers, powered by OpenStack™, completed the private Alpha phase and entered the Beta phase. This transition is a huge milestone for OpenStack and for the Open era of the cloud. Through the Alpha program, working with our customers and early users, we have learned a lot. What we have today is their input resulting in substantial improvements – from better API responsiveness to the ability for a single user to concurrently spin up hundreds of servers within minutes.These are concrete steps towards making the OpenStack-based Cloud platform ready for production scale deployments. The Bleta phase will allow us to continue to advance development towards that goal and Rackspace vision and enrich the user experience.

###OpenStack Gets a New GUI 03 Apr 2012

###Citrix Takes CloudStack to Apache 03 Apr 2012

Citrix puts CloudStack under the Apache2.0 license and announces its intention to no longer support its Olympus OpenStack distribution. CloudStack continues to support AWS APIs.

###Essex Release 05 Apr 2012

Company Commits Rackspace 3045 Nebula 974 *independent 515 Red Hat 502 HP 420 Canonical 128 Citrix 112 VMware 100 Piston Cloud 67 Cisco Systems 60 Intel 59

Company Lines of Code Rackspace 1732161 Nebula 237319 Information Sciences Institute 194646 *independent 110953 HP 80228 Red Hat 72454 VMware 27720 Citrix 24587 AT&T 16347 Cisco Systems 15133 OpenStack Foundation 9352

Popular Projects (by Commits) 1 nova 1695 2 devstack 982 3 keystone 803 4 horizon 539 5 glance 258 6 openstack-manuals 184 7 python-novaclient 167 8 melange 153 9 devstack-gate 148 10 heat 148

Data via

###IBM and RedHat join OpenStack Foundation effort 12 Apr 2012

###San Francisco Design Summit 16 Apr 2012

###Rackspace Moves to Production OpenStack 16 Apr 2012

Rackspace begins migrating customers onto its OpenStack-based public cloud. “We’re drawing a line in the sand against proprietary cloud providers," says Rackspcae CEO Lanham Napier. The company continues to run as close to trunk as possible and actively integrates its operational learnings back into the source code.

###HP Launches an OpenStack-based Public Cloud 09 May 2012

###OpenStack Foundation Launches 19 Sep 2012

OpenStack claims 550 developers at 180 participating companies. It collects $10 million in initial funding from corporate sponsors.

Platinum Members: AT&T, Canonical, HP, IBM, Nebula, Rackspace, Red Hat and SUSE Gold Members: CCAT, Cisco, Cloudscaling, Dell, DreamHost, Mirantis, Morphlabs, NetApp, Piston Cloud Computing, Yahoo, Intel, NEC and VMware

###Folsom Release 27 Sep 2012

###Rackspace Launches Certification Program for OpenStack® 03 Oct 2012

San Diego Design Summit

15 Oct 2012

###VMware CTO Speaks on How the Company Contributes to OpenStack >MULTIMEDIA< 29 Oct 2012

Steve Herrod addressed a packed auditorium and discusses the future of the software-defined datacenter. As of this writing, VMware has contributed more than 730 commits and nearly 130,000 lines of code to OpenStack. Much of the work comes through Nicira, a network virtualization company VMware acquired in July 2012.

###OpenStack’s Past, Present And Future >MULTIMEDIA< 06 Dec 2012

Jim Curry Keynotes OpenStack EMEA: "I think OpenStack had more names than James Bond had love interests. Maybe we should’ve just called it 007. Other ill-fated monikers included Cloudbase, Cloudcontrol, Cloudware, CloudCommander and CloudManager. We even once had an OpenStack logo that had a stack of pancakes. Luckily we settled on OpenStack, and I think it represents the project very well. I also couldn’t imagine saying that the Rackspace Cloud is powered by CloudCommander."

###Grizzly Release 04 Apr 2013

###Portland Design Summit 15 Apr 2013

The conference focused on OpenStack users and participants heard from BestBuy, Comcast, CERN, PayPal and the National Security Agency. Each discussed how OpenStack was improving their internal IT by giving them unprecidented flexibility and control over their compute needs.

NSA Speaks at OpenStack Design Summit >MULTIMEDIA<

###Dell Backs Away from OpenStack Public Cloud 20 May 2013

Dell indicates it will not launch its own OpenStack-based public cloud. It will partner with third-party providers instead. Initial partners include Joyent, ScaleMetrix and ZeroLag---a VMware-based cloud. Dell acquires Enstratius to provide a management layer.

###Havana Release 17 Oct 2013


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