picocom --echo --omap crlf /dev/ttyACM0
home, h: Go to home position (0)
<position>: Go to <position>. Can be in the interval [0, 3300].
red, r: Go to red (2500)
orange, o: Go to orange (2310)
yellow, y: Go to yellow (2250)
green, g: Go to green (2000)
blue, b: Go to blue (1750)
violet, v: Go to violet (1600)
rate <r>: Change stepper motor rate to <r>.
Can be in the interval (0, 200], default 100.
A rate of 100 equals 100/16 motor steps per second.
estep <s>: Change quadrature encoder step factor to <s>.
Can be in the interval (0, 50], default 8.
Each quadrature encoder step translates to
(<s> * stepper motor steps).
stop: Only works while moving to position, aborts the move.