- Python 3.7.x
- [Optional] Grafana (tested on version 5.4)
- [Optional] Grafana reporter (tested on version 2.1.0, commit 41b38a0, see ELCM readme for more information)
The following information specifies the version that most closely match the expected behavior when this package interacts with others developed internally in 5 Genesis (i.e. the version that was available during the development and that was used while testing this component). It's possible that most (or all) features work with some previous versions, and most probably there will be no issues when using more recent versions.
- ELCM Version 1.1.0 (02/10/2019)
A video detailing the deployment procedure of the Portal (and ELCM) can be seen in BSCW
It is recommended, but not required, to run the Portal in a Python virtual environment. If you are not using virtual environments, skip steps 3 and 4.
- Clone the repository to a known folder, e.g. in
- Enter the folder
cd c:/5gPortal
- Create a new Python virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
- For Windows:
- For Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- Install Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Upgrade (initialize) the database to the latest version:
The portal is configured for creating an SQLite database automatically (
) if no other database backend is configured. If the deployment will use a different backend it might be wise to set it before running this command. See the Configuration section for more information.
flask db upgrade
- Start the development server:
flask run
The app will generate a default configuration file (config.yml
) and start listening for requests on port 5000.
Refer to the Configuration section for information about customizing the default values.
Press Control+C
to stop the development server.
This repository includes a Vagrantfile
that can be used to automatically deploy a virtual machine
that includes the Portal instance (running under Gunicorn
) and an nginx
. This file can also be
used as an example of how to deploy the Portal on an existing Linux machine or using Docker containers,
since most of the commands executed are valid in many other environments.
In order to deploy using Vagrant
- Install Vagrant and Virtualbox.
- Navigate to the Portal folder.
- Create the virtual machine:
vagrant up
This will create and start a virtual machine named 5genesis-portal
and bind port 80 of the host machine to the Portal instance.
If you cannot bind the Portal to port 80 you can use a different port by setting other value in the Vagrantfile (
config.vm.network "forwarded_port"
The default deployment does not use https. In order to enable it you will need to provide the necessary certificates and customize the nginx configuration. This repository includes an example configuration file (Vagrant/nginx_ssl.conf
) that can be used as a base.
The Portal instance can be configured by setting environment variables and by editing the config.yml
file. The Portal uses python-dotenv
, so it's possible to save the environment variables in the .flaskenv
The environment variables that can be set are:
- SECRET_KEY: Set this value to a RANDOM string (the default value is not random enough). See this answer.
- FLASK_RUN_PORT: Port where the portal will listen (5000 by default)
- SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: Database instance that will be used by the Portal. Depending on the backend it's possible that additional Python packages will need to be installed, for example, MySQL requires
. See Dialects - UPLOAD_FOLDER: Folder path where the uploaded files will be stored.
Currently unused:
- MAIL_SERVER: Mail server location (localhost by default)
- MAIL_PORT: Mail server port (8025 by default)
The values that can be configured on config.yml
- Dispatcher:
- Host: Location of the machine where the Dispatcher is running (localhost by default).
- Port: Port where the Dispatcher is listening for connections (5001 by default).
The Dispatcher does not currently exist as a separate entity, so this information refers to the ELCM during Release A.
- Platform: Platform name/location.
- TestCases: List of TestCases supported by the platform.
- UEs: Dictionary that contains information about the UEs available in the platform. Each element key defines the unique ID of the UE, while the value contains a dictionary with extra data about the UE (currently the operating system).
The list of TestCases and UEs selected for each experiment will be sent to the Dispatcher (and ELCM) on every execution request. The ELCM uses these values in order to customize the campaign execution (via the Composer and the Facility Registry).
- Slices: List of available Network Slices.
This information is not currently used by the ELCM (as of 3/6/2019)
- Grafana URL: Base URL of Grafana Dashboard to display Execution results.
- Description: Description of the platform.
- Logging: Parameters for storing application logs.
It's possible to display system-wide notices in the Portal by including a file named notices.yml
in the root folder.
The format of this file is as follows:
- Example notice 1
- Example notice 2
The list may include as many notices as necessary.
Information about the current REST API of the Portal (and ELCM) can be seen in BSCW.
- Gonzalo Chica Morales
- Bruno Garcia Garcia
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.