Why did the chicken cross the road?
- Create the game [Mads|Tim]
- Better achievements [Mads|Tim]
- Rewrite to use rAF [Mads|Tim]
- You earn scores for every shit you do (hit special cars, die fast (like a mupliplicator or something))
- Stupid sounds like MMOOOOONSTER KILL from Quake3
- Intro screen with basic howto
- Favicon
- A "storm"/lot of cars after x minutes (random), but with a x second countdown so that the player will see that he is dying soon
- Show current game difficulty (based on how fast the cars are)
- Motor cycles in between the cars (on every side) with half the width of a car and a max height
- Random bombs, hurricanes, Tsunami -> Connected to the "Storm"-Countdown so that a random SHIT FUCK will happen to the player
- Cooldown "display" for power-ups
- Use requestAnimationFrame so that the game pauses if the window is not active
- Spawn more power ups the faster the cars get
- Make the game scalable
- optimize for mobile -> touch control and bigger board
- Change the volume of the audio
- Check if audio is available in the current browser and disable it if its not
- Fade power-ups smoothly in
- Max amount of power-ups
- Max amount of speed
- Don't create car-colors that are too dark (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/596216/formula-to-determine-brightness-of-rgb-color)
- Steal sound from http://www.cappel-nord.de/webaudio/ (I already asked him if we can use it :D)
You control a minionYou run from left to right and right to leftIn the middle of the canvas is a roadOn the road are different type of cars (size and color and shit)If you get hit by a car you are deadIf you consume power up, you get special abbilities (more minions at the same time, bonus points for a limited time)Add a trail for power up speedGet crowded on power up minionAchievementsCars getting faster the longer you playMultiplier for each minion you haveDeath-CounterPower-ups spawn if you get one point (or if you reached the other side + every minion [maybe])Make cars wobble from side to sideThe player should have "human" colors (like on the classic "road: the game: bloodpath") and the color should be random after every deathTurn audio on / offReset the difficulty after you die (everything to default -> # of cars, speed, power-ups)Use localStorage to save game stats (like "best"-score, deaths)Gulp to create endresultMake sounds
- Die fast, as much as possible
- Doesn't work in SF 26 on Ubuntu
- Minions don't die after being run over
- Cars are overlapping
Power up bomb destroys all other power ups (Even the the ones to come)If you have x minions and move from one lane to the other you just get 1 score instead of 1 + xMinions overlap (after x + 1 minion power-ups you don't see the other minions anymore) -> Maybe only when you have the invincible power up -> nope, it's random- The trail after the speed power up is not added if you are invincible
Power up timer is not reset after taking a new power up- Can't grap any power-up if you have the invincible power-up picked up once
- SCSS ->
sass --watch assets/scss:assets/css
in the console
- Mads Cordes
- Tim Pietrusky