This repo implements a backend service written in Go, that enables clients, like the web UI, to interact with the bridge smart contract by providing Merkleproofs.
There are a test for ERC20 L1->L2 and L2->L1. This test is for be run externally. For this reason you can build execution docker:
make build-docker-e2e-real_network
- To run you need to pass a configuration file as
- Example of usage:
make build-docker-e2e-real_network
mkdir tmp
cat <<EOF > ./tmp/test.toml
TestAddrPrivate= "${{ SECRET_PRIVATE_ADDR }}"
L1NodeURL="${{ SECRET_L1URL }}"
L2NodeURL="${{ L2URL }}"
BridgeURL="${{ BRIDGEURL }}"
L1BridgeAddr="${{ BRIDGE_ADDR_L1 }}"
L2BridgeAddr="${{ BRIDGE_ADDR_L2 }}"
docker run --volume "./tmp/:/config/" --env BRIDGE_TEST_CONFIG_FILE=/config/test.toml bridge-e2e-realnetwork-erc20
For more discussions, please head to the R&D Discord