- pawn promotion needs to be rewritten
- the pawn can't transform into its promotion piece before moving to its destination square, it messed up get_possible_moves
- the black king, when eligible to castle, doesn't have a dot in the right place for that
- can't click on a space if you're hovering over the blue dot
- if you click an ineligible square (no dots) after selecting a piece, it doesn't remove the dots but it un-highlights the piece and makes it so you can't click on a dot to move the piece
- make room for non-game-over messages, use colors
- disable pinch to zoom
- add ethical analytics
- maybe get rid of the 'share url' button altogether
- make the 'create game' button bigger on mobile
prevent modals from being dismissed via 'escape'
support landscape mode on mobile (fill the screen ,no scrolling)
make the board centered
make it so the buttons don't go off the page (board a bit smaller?)
add a spinner when creating a game
make the messages (game on, game over, etc.) modals which hover over the center of the board
- make modal
- on second thought, only use the modal for game over
make dots smaller
shade the selected piece/background
show previous move coloring
show dot on top of possible target piece (possible moves)
- z-index doesn't cut it for this so far
put it at a domain, even if it's averba.ch/chess
make sure same-origin policy is getting enforced
initiate closing of connection from client (it's not getting called on the server currently)
- don't allow it until both sides have moved
- change message sent from server for
- reject
- accept
- hide 'offer draw' and show 'withdraw draw' when there's a pending one from self
- make a dialog for accepting/rejecting a draw
- made buttons instead
- erase 'you have offered a draw' when it's been rejected or the other person has moved
- bug: when white offers a draw, white's buttons are changed instead of black's (from 'offer' to 'accept' and 'decline')
threefold repetition
- same position
- same person's turn as two other occurrences
- same en passant state
- same castling state
- NOT automatic, must be requested by either player before the next move is made
- create a record of a combination of
- board states
- all possible moves for each board state
- after each move, check whether the state has occurred twice before
- when the game is over, empty this cache as well
- deal with
state.draw = 1
in ws logic afterdo_move_and_persist
there's a bunch of stray UIDs on the home screen, they're getting stuck in Redis
- 2k4N/ppp5/5n1p/8/4N2n/3b4/PP1b2r1/5K2
- the board before that: 2k4N/ppp5/5n1p/8/4N2n/8/PPbb2r1/5K2
- the last move was c2 to d3 (bishop)
- there were no console errors in either browser, but the move never got reported to white's browser
- i'm pretty sure this did get registered as checkmate but the server disconnected too fast
- for this reason I'm not disconnecting in game_over
pawn promotion! (websockets and web view)
- maybe use native
- maybe use native
- spin up Redis instances
- prod
- dev
- spin up postgres instances
- prod
- dev
- make script for initializing postgres DB
- run it on
- dev (locally)
- prod
- run it on
- replace hardcoded assets with env vars
- db connection
- redis connection
- refactor DB operations to postgres
- make a separate requirements-prod.txt
- create a web service for the API
- add gunicorn
- create a web service for the websocket server
- spin up Redis instances
websocket API
- wrong number of watchers is shown once someone leaves (seems like it's not always decrement, or else maybe it's including the players once there's been more than one watcher?)
- "someone has left chat" is the message shown when a watcher leaves! (also wrong count)
- send entire game state at start of game, including to players
- who abandoned the game? there's some confusion here
- "black abandoned the game, so white wins!" -- this happens when white abandons
create a basic DB
- use sqlite for completed games
- fields: uid and moves
- a function to store a completed game
- use Redis at first for the active games
- make a list for each active game
- key is "game_"
- value is list of verbose moves (originating square, pieces, destination square)
- make a hash for each game
- key is "game_"
- values are key/values
- half_moves: int
- turn: 0/1
- white_can_castle_queenside
- black_can_castle_queenside
- white_can_castle_kingside
- black_can_castle_kingside
- half_moves_since_last_capture: null/moveNum
- board: probably a FEN
- make a list for each active game
- use sqlite for completed games
create logic for
- create game
- make move
- validate move
- pawn
- en passant
- rook
- bishop
- queen
- king
- knight
- write tests
- is it check?
- if castling, would it sweep through check?
- pawn
- persist move
- update game state
- see "make a hash for each game"
- test "get all legal moves"
- en passant results in the captured piece actually disappearing
- king is prohibited from putting himself into check, especially with another king
- check if game is over
- is it stalemate? (no possible moves and check is False)
- is it checkmate? (no possible moves and check is True)
- if it is, persist it to "completed_games" (sqlite)
- pawn promotion
- implement it
- validate move
create a basic web API
- /game
- /create
- /game
- there's a bug (Feb 5, 2023) where some invalid chars are sent but a) somehow this doesn't produce an error and 'continue' and b) the sender gets disconnected. Possibly I just fat-fingered this and disconnected myself, BUT the game didn't get set as "abandoned" when it happened, which points to an actual bug.
- resolved on Feb 6, 2023 with commit c510c4f51e61c0b4a555016bf70de46056391837
- use the websockets library, at first without concerning yourself with authentication
- events
- handle abandoned games
- remove from redis, (maybe) add to db
- join
- resign
- draw
- requested
- accepted
- move
- try stalemate
- try the fool's mate, make sure it goes
- f2-f3, e7-e5, g2-g4, Qd8-Qh4
- on success, return to whoever's turn it is
- all possible moves
- new game state
- from/to of prev move
- don't allow someone to make a move who isn't attached to a game! (different UID)
- say "it's your turn" to whoever's turn it is, i guess as a separate message
- provide the game state to new watchers
- don't allow a websocket connection to 'join' a game if it already has joined one
- don't allow if there's only one player
- don't allow if the game is over
- don't allow a player to move out of turn
- don't allow a spectator to make a move
- handle abandoned games
- there's a bug (Feb 5, 2023) where some invalid chars are sent but a) somehow this doesn't produce an error and 'continue' and b) the sender gets disconnected. Possibly I just fat-fingered this and disconnected myself, BUT the game didn't get set as "abandoned" when it happened, which points to an actual bug.
mark 'winner' field of game state when there's a resignation
update 'existing_uids' redis list as games end
BUG: when leaving/refreshing the browser, the game gets removed but somehow remains as a link on the home screen
- this might be because of the bullet point above
create a basic web interface
- /
- when you click on the create game button it automatically brings you to that new URL
- list of active games, each joinable
- /
- render the board
- use cm-chessboard which has event handlers
- connect the board!
- when a piece moves, trigger a ws message
- freeze the pieces when it's not that player's turn
- turn the board around for black
- get which player the ws is for, set that as a global var
- only allow legal moves
- check possible_moves as delivered with 'your_turn' event
- check castling (what does that look like from the board, 'o-o' or?
- support castling
- move the rook automatically
- deliver the move accurately to the server
- make sure it's shown on opponent's/watchers' boards
- don't let castling happen more than once!
- make captures work (have to deliver 'capture' arg to ws server)
- connect to websocket server
- 'invite' button which copies the URL to your clipboard
- a debug box to show the websocket messages getting sent/received
- /
BUG: white king can't capture rook here??
BUG: this isn't check??
BUG: there are a bunch of error messages on websocket server
BUG: this isn't checkmate?
en passant
- for black, it's not showing up as a possbile move
- for white, the captured piece isn't disappearing
- add en passant logic to "case: success" clause
- figure out why
isn't getting found (added it to chessground)
- show the allowed moves
- https://shaack.com/projekte/cm-chessboard/examples/validate-moves.html
- normal moves
- en passant
- castling
- fill the screen on mobile
- warn when closing the tab/window, instead of allowing resume
- indicate checkmate
- indicate check
- indicate stalemate