This is a minimal Zend Server/Chef with MySQL template.
Vagrant plugins:
- vagrant-omnibus
- vagrant-berkshelf
Host machine:
- chef-dk:
- vagrant
- virtualbox
Clone or download, then modify the attributes in the chef.json
By default, it uses the Chef Ubuntu 14.04 form the Vagrant Cloud (, but you can use any distribution that is supported by Zend Server ( - Linux section).
The attributes:
- version: the version of Zend Server that you want to install (default: 7.0) - can be set to "early-access" for beta install
- phpversion: the version of PHP (default: 5.5)
- basedirdeb: set to "deb" to install on Apache 2.2 - otherwise leave out
- adminpassword: the password to use for the MySQL root user
- production: false for a development system
- apikeyname: the name for the api key that Chef creates - can be anything other than "admin"
- apikeysecret: a 64 alphanumeric string
MySQL's Chef Cookbook v6 doesn't create a default socket as it supports the installation of many MySQL instances. Therefore to connect to MySQL either specify the socket explicitely or use the localhost IP address. Ref:
mysql -S /var/run/mysql-default/mysqld.sock -Pwhatever
mysql -h -Pwhatever
Contributions are welcome. Submit pull requests to this repository.