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FuryDB Components

Components for integrate FuryDB with unity.


This package depend from FuryDB. First install it using this instruction

Or this link

Second dependency is Fury.Strings install it by follow link:

Thirdly. Install FuryDB Components package by this link:

Hot to use

Read details how to work with FuryDB Here. Now look how to work with localizations text.

For example create table with texts Index:

[FuryDB("Assets/Resources/DB.json.txt", "Assets/Kinds.cs")]
class DB {
    public Index<TextConfig> Texts;

class TestConfig {
    public Kind<TextConfig> Kind;
    public string En;
    public string Ru;

And here Boot class of yor game. You need load database and store it in static variable.

class Boot : MonoBehaviour
    public static DB DB { get; private set; }

    private void Awake()
        DB = DBResolver.Load<DB>();

And fill it with same data:


Lets create component who can render localizable text:

using UnityEngine;
using FDB.Components;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using FDB;

class TextComponent : TextComponentBase<DB, TextConfig, TextResolver>
    // Here you can add any text renderer compont
    // Like Text TMP_Text or TextMeshProUGUI
    [SerializeField] Text _textUIComponent;

    protected override void Render(string text)
        if (_textUIComponent)
            //And just apply result string in Render function
            _textUIComponent.text = text;

struct TextResolver : ITextResolver<TextConfig>
    public Index<TextConfig> Index => Boot.DB.Texts;
    public string GetText(TextConfig config) => config.Ru;

You must declare three types in TextComponentBase<>:

  • First DB - type of your database class
  • Second TextConfig - class you using for store localization strings
  • And last TextResolver - this in empty struct who can two fields:
    • Indext - this property return data static data from DB.Texts you loaded in Boot
    • GetText(TextConfig config) - this function know about player language and return prefred string. An implementation might look like this:
      public string GetText(TextConfig config) {
          switch (Application.systemLanguage) {
              case SystemLanguage.Russian:
                  return config.Ru;
                  return config.En;

Now go to scene gameobject with and create Text and TextComponent. Dont forget drag Text to field Text UI Component.


Check if toggle Translate is on and click to Link button. Select in drop down menu item level_n


As you see Text display string from config:

Level {0}

If you want manipulate with format string this is simple:

class Boot : MonoBehaviour
    public static DB DB { get; private set; }

    // Add link to TextComponent from scene
    [SerializeField] TextComponent _level;

    private void Awake()
        DB = DBResolver.Load<DB>();

        // And set value for argument {0} 

Run game and enjoy result:

Level 99

Manupulate with text

TextComponent has method to manipulate with text:

SetText(string textTex)

This method turn off toggle Translate and display textTex as is.

_textComponent.SetArgs(3, 5)

Will render text "3 / 5"

SetText(Kind kind)

This method turn on toggle Translate and begin use TextConfig to localize text.

You can find texts kinds in Kinds.cs this class generate from database data. For example


This is not recommended, but you can create composite Kind in runtime:

var lang = Application.systemLanguage;
_textComponent.SetText(new Kind<TextConfig>($"language_{lang}"));

Component will try search Config with same Kind./

You can get Kind from other configs. For example UnitConfig has field Name with type Ref<TextConfig>

class DB {
    Index<UnitConfig> Units;
    Index<TextConfig> Texts;

class Unit {
    public Kind<Unit> Kind;
    public Ref<TextConfig> Name;

void DisplayUnitName(UnitConfig unit) {

TextConfig reference

Dynamic change language

If you have settings where player can chane language in runtime you need modify TextComponent for catch events of change language

static class PlayerSettings {
    public static event Action OnLanguageChanged;

    public static SystemLanguage Language { get; private set; }
    public static void UpdateLanguage(SystemLanguage value) {
        Language = value;

class TextComponent : TextComponentBase<DB, TextConfig, TextResolver>
    [SerializeField] Text _textUIComponent;

    void OnEnable()
        // Just call SetDirty when settings changed
        PlayerSettings.OnLanguageChanged += SetDirty;

    void OnDisable()
        PlayerSettings.OnLanguageChanged -= SetDirty;

    protected override void Render(string text)
        if (_textUIComponent)
            _textUIComponent.text = text;

struct TextResolver : ITextResolver<TextConfig>
    public Index<TextConfig> Index => Boot.DB.Texts;
    public string GetText(TextConfig config) {
        // Use language from PlayerSettings
        switch (PlayerSettings.Language) {
            case SystemLanguage.Russian:
                return config.Ru;
                return config.En;

Color palette

FyruDB Components containst classes for work with color palette from configs. First declare confgis for in-game colors:

class DB {
    public Input<TextConfig> Texts;
    public Input<ColorConfig> Colors;

public class ColorConfig {
    public Kind<ColorConfig> Kind;
    public Color Color;


Next create class for store color data:


Dont forget [Serializable] attribute

class ColorValue : ColorValueBase<DB, ColorConfig, ColorResolver>

struct ColorResolver : IColorResolver<ColorConfig>
    public Index<ColorConfig> Index => Boot.DB.Colors;
    public Color GetColor(ColorConfig config) => config.Color;
    public Color[] GetColors(ColorConfig config) => new Color[] { config.Color };

And modify TextComponent for use palette's:

class TextComponent : TextComponentBase<DB, TextConfig, TextResolver>
    [SerializeField] ColorValue _color; //ColorField

    [SerializeField] Text _textUIComponent;

    //Methods for update color in runtime
    public void SetColor(Color color)
        SetDirty(); // Dont forget mark component for repaint

    public void SetColor(Kind<ColorConfig> kind)

    protected override void Render(string text)
        if (_textUIComponent)
            _textUIComponent.text = text;
            _textUIComponent.color = _color.Color; // Apply color to text

Color field

Now you can use ColorValue in other components it's peek data from ColorConfig.