This workspace provides some ROS drivers and calibration tools of sensors I have tested. At present, the workspace includes the introductions of the following sensor drivers and calibration tools.
Type | Model |
IMU | Xsens MTi-series |
LiDAR | Velodyne-16, RS-Ruby(128), Livox-Horizon, Ouster OS0, hesai-Pandar64 |
Camera | Realsense D435-series, Ladybug3 |
Calibration tools
Intrinsic Calibration | Extrinsic Calibration |
IMU | LiDAR<-->IMU |
Camera | LiDAR<-->Camera |
Camera<-->IMU | |
Camera<-->Camera | |
LiDAR<-->LiDAR |
- Introduction
- Quick Start
- Reference
- File tree
sudo apt-get install libdw-dev libpcap-dev
catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="code_utils"
The default configuration can publish sensors_msg/IMU
message including orientation, angular_velocity, linear_acceleration. So you can read the IMU message by run the following code.
roslaunch read_pkg view_imu.launch
If there is an error called [ERROR] [1627211303.220970]: Fatal: could not find proper MT device.
May the following code will solve the problem.
sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
Configure the IMU:
Xsens IMUs have much configuration we can modify, such as
,Synchronization settings
, etc. You can have an instruction by run the following code.rosrun xsens_driver -hThe most common configuration is to configure which kind of messages to publish. The following configuration is to set the driver to publish orientation, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity, which are very important information for robotic navigation.
rosrun xsens_driver --configure="oq,aa,wr"
Configure the network:
Edit connections --> Edit --> IPv4 Settings( Method: Manual, Addresses: Add --> Address:, Netmask:, Gateway:,注:velodyne会根据当前所连接的本地IP,动态分配给自己相同网段的IP,所以只需要设置本地为静态IP即可) & modify Connection name --> save
Get the velodyne xml file from and convert to a yaml file. (Optional)
Run it
roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16_points.launch
Modify the config file in
and modify the name of config file in thestart.launch
.Refer to 参数说明 for details.
Run it
roslaunch rslidar_sdk start.launch
Compress the lidar data
For RS-Ruby(128), which can reach about 70Mb/s bandwidth, some computers may lose frames during rosbag record
. To solve this problem, we can record the compressed point cloud topic. Refer to 录制ROS数据包&离线解析ROS数据包 for details.
Then decompress the compressed topic when using the bag file.
roslaunch rslidar_sdk decoder.launch
Refer to
Refer to README for detailed configurations. Refer to livox_ros_driver for the latest driver.
- Run it
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar_rviz.launch
Refer to 中文指南,README for details.
a. Get the IP address of your Ouster sensor after connecting to your computer.
avahi-browse -lr _roger._tcp
b. 驱动
# Modify the sensor_hostname in the view_ouster.launch
roslaunch read_pkg view_ouster.launch
c. 录制数据集
OS0(64-ring) can reach about 33Mb/s bandwidth when recording /os_cloud_node/points
. So we can record the compressed topics.
rosbag record /os_node/imu_packets /os_node/lidar_packets
roslaunch read_pkg view_ouster_decoder.launch
rosbag play XXX.bag
Note: There are 9 channels for one point in the ouster point cloud, which are
x, y, z, intensity, t, reflectivity, ring, ambient, range
The default IP of the hesai LiDAR is
. We can read sensor data by setting local static IP to 192.168.1.XXX
roslaunch hesai_lidar hesai_lidar.launch lidar_type:="Pandar64" frame_id:="Pandar64"
Format converting
Similar to RS-lidar, we can convert the format of the point in the Hesai point cloud to Velodyne's.
rosrun hesai_to_velodyne hesai_to_velodyne XYZIRT XYZIRT
Refer to kalibr for installation.
prepare the calibration board and the config file of calibration board: download or create custom targets
record the throttled camera topic
rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /camera/color/image_raw 4 /camera/color/image_raw_throttle # 4hz is enough rosbag record /camera/color/image_raw_throttle
when collecting the data, the calibration board should be in the FOV of the camera and the pose for the camera should be as diverse as possible .
calibrate it
rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_cameras --bag d435-2022-06-12-11-20-10.bag --topics /camera/color/image_raw_throttle --models pinhole-radtan --target april_6x6.yaml
As for the distortion model of a camera, you can use
if you are using a pin-hole camera.You can get more details on
And the calibration result will be saved in
Refer to 【Ros】摄像头标定camera calibration.
Refer to imu_utils for installation.
- collect the data while the IMU is Stationary, with a two hours duration, at least two hours suggested;
- modify the param of the launch file;
<node pkg="imu_utils" type="imu_an" name="imu_an" output="screen">
<param name="imu_topic" type="string" value= "/imu/data"/>
<param name="imu_name" type="string" value= "xsens"/>
<param name="data_save_path" type="string" value= "$(find imu_utils)/data/"/>
<param name="max_time_min" type="int" value= "120"/> <!-- the duration of your bag (Unit: minute) -->
<param name="max_cluster" type="int" value= "100"/>
- roslaunch the rosnode and play the bag file;
roslaunch imu_utils xsens.launch
rosbag play -r 200 XXX.bag
- see the result;
The calibration result is saved in imu_utils/data
Refer to lidar_imu_calib for installation.
use rosbag tool record imu and lidar data(Note: The pose for the sensors platform should be as diverse as possible, for example, a trajectory shaped like "8".)
rosbag record /imu /lidar_points
config launch file
lidar_topic: lidar data topic name imu_topic: imu data topic name bag_file: *.bag file record imu and lidar data topic
roslaunch lidar_imu_calib calib_exR_lidar2imu.launch
Refer to plycal.
We can get the synchronized camera and lidar data by lidar_camera_tools
, which is needed by the plycal.
# Modify the configuration in the get_sync_data.launch
roslaunch lidar_camera_tools get_sync_data.launch
Push the space
button to save the current synchronized data. The result is as follows.
Refer to kalibr.
Refer to kalibr.
Refer to lidar_appearance_calibration or MLC.
- Detailed introduction to calibration tools between camera and LiDAR
- Detailed introduction to calibration tools between camera and IMU
- Detailed introduction to calibration tools between LiDARs
- Detailed introduction to calibration tools between cameras
- Detailed introduction to calibration tools of camera intrinsic parameter
- Ubuntu在ROS下安装Velodyne驱动
- Velodyne driver
- Xsens IMU driver
- 【传感器】IMU Xsens使用
- rslidar driver
- lidar_imu_calib
- imu_utils
- livox_ros_driver
- ouster_example
- HesaiLidar_General_ROS
├── calib_pkg # including the calibration tools
├── driver_pkg # including the ROS drivers
└── read_pkg # including config file, rviz file and launch file to read and display sensor data