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217 lines (217 loc) · 7.26 KB

  • classification of regular polytope
  • holding implements until finite element method and PDE
  • example usages of higher order incidence relation
  • graph.ts with geometry
  • geometry of convex polytope
    • example of give geometry to topological structure
  • how to describe edge and face so they are easy to draw ?
  • a generic way to specify geometry of cell-complex


  • graph without info – for new hackenbush
  • reuse cell_complex_t – by `graph_t.as_cell_complex ()`
  • find cycles of graph by spanning tree’s complement edges
    • homology of general graph

games – for frontend jobs

  • hackenbush
  • dots-and-boxes
  • connect-four
  • go
  • hackenbush editor

algebra of cell-complex

  • check equality proof
  • the game of equality
  • 2-dim cell-complex can be expressed purely algebraicly thus classification can also be expressed algebraicly but, for 3-dim cell-complex we do not have the syntax of higher algebra

manifold classification

  • another manifold_check
    • any edge occur twice thus when glued we will have not boundary
    • condition on edge_figure_t is weaker then condition on vertex_figure_t
      • every dimension have its element_figure_t the higher dimension the weaker the condition
      • maybe we should use the word “shape” instead of “figure” because of the use of `figure_t`
    • but this is not enough because of pinch points
    • how should we call this kind of weaker manifold_check ? pinchfold_t ? instead of think of name for each dimension we should
      manifold_tweak_manifold_t (0)
      pinchfold_tweak_manifold_t (1)
      weak_manifold_t (2)

      pinchfold_t ?

  • 2-dim manifold classification – zip of john conway
    • can the normalization algorithm works on more than manifold_t ?
  • normal forms
    • sphere: a a.rev
    • tori: a1 b1 a1.rev b1.rev a2 b2 a2.rev b2.rev … an bn an.rev bn.rev
    • cross-caps (projective-plane): a1 a1 a2 a2 … an an
      • note that two cross-caps is a klein_bottle
  • the normalization algorithm
    1. merge faces at double occuring edge pairs while maintaining homeomorphic to disk
      • only double occuring pairs can be merged without losing information
      • this will reduce the cell-complex to the following state:
        • there are no double occuring edge pairs
        • or merging any more double occuring edge pairs will make it non homeomorphic to disk
          • information of non-disk-ness is encoded by edge pairs if we merge more the information of non-disk-ness will be lost
    2. reduce vertexes to one vertex
    3. make same-direction edges next to each other
    4. make opposite-direction edges ???
    5. cross-cap + torus = three cross-caps
  • new im_dic_compatible_p
  • new manifold_check
  • new vertex_figure_t
  • update cell-complex

what knowledge is worth knowing ?

  • topological and geometrical modeling
    • mesh
      • polytopal-complex
      • blender
    • clifford algebra
  • physics simulation
    • differential equation & difference equation
    • finite element method – PDE
    • direction field – ODE


  • to give geometry to cell-complex, we can
    1. generate mesh for cell-complex
    2. use affine variety of algebraic geometry


  • fourier-motzkin elimination
  • simplify inequalities
  • double description method


  • projection matrix for 1-dim subspace
    • rank one matrix
    • P.mul (P) .eq (P)
    • P.transpose () .eq (P)
  • projection matrix for m-dim subspace
    • subspace represented by A
      • columns are column vectors of the subspace
    • P = A.mul (A.transpose () .mul (A) .inv ()) .mul (A.transpose ())
      • P.mul (P) .eq (P)
      • P.transpose () .eq (P)
  • normal equation
  • gram – only gram
  • gram-schmidt – with normalization
    • is there a version of gram-schmidt for integer matrix ?
  • num.matrix_t.positive_definite_p ()
  • abstract/order.ts – for num.ts, for polytope.ts
  • use num.ts to re-imp hackenbush

mathematical structures

  • ring.cs substructure and ideal_t
  • order.ts – lattice_t, poset_t, total_t, heyting_algebra_t


  • linear diophantine equations with mod – finite field


  • .diag => .main_diag
  • .diag .set_diag
  • convert invariant_factors to elementary_divisors
  • primary_decomposition – [rank, [[p0, n0], [p1, n1], …]]
  • chinese_remainder_theorem


  • stiffness matrix
  • circulant matrix


  • polynomial.ts – symbolic algebra


  • frame_t.act & series_t.trans
  • data_t slice


  • optimize frame_t and series_t by not using data_t but to use matrix_t and vector_t


  • what is the meaning of 1 torsion_coefficients ?


  • presentation of groupoid is the same as 2-dim cell-complex
    • by which we can calculate homology group of groupoid
    • my first aim is to generalize this algebraic structure for 3-dim cell-complex
    • we also want to study group representation i.e. find matrix group iso to given group
  • groupoid of 2-dim cell-complex
    • `as_groupoid ()`
    • what is special about manifold’s groupoid
  • glob_t
  • ht.chain_t
    • `.boundary ()`
    • `.as_group ()` – formalize presentation of group
    • `.as_groupoid ()` – presentation of groupoid with `ht.chain_t`
    • abelianization of `ht.chain_t` to get homology theory abelianization 时如何获得定向 ?
    • `.glue ()` 我们所要处理的代数结构中的元素是 ht.chain_t 这在于 元素是有类型的 (或者说是有边界的) 我们的代数结构类似於 groupoid 而不是 group 元素之间的复合不是简单地左右相乘 而是 沿着边界 glue
      • 我们可以从 presentation of a groupoid 入手 研究 groupoid 对 ht.chain_t 的需要 也就是说
        1. 放宽对元素联通性的要求
        2. 丰富 compose 为 glue
  • higher_groupoid_t


  • we can fully encode the information of cell-complex by cell-valued incidence matrixes,
    • we can specialize cells for each dimension, for examples:
      • +1,-1 (2-dim rotation) for [2-dim, 1-dim] incidence relation
      • 2-dim rotation for [3-dim, 2-dim] incidence relation
      • 3-dim rotation for [4-dim, 3-dim] incidence relation
  • how about adjacency matrix between higher order elements ?
  • bounfold_check
  • cell_check – is im_dic_compatible_p enough ?
  • can we encode cell-complex by graph ?
    • what is “encode something by graph” ? with graph label ?
  • product_complex_t
  • quotient_complex_t – self-gluing
  • vertex_figure_t – 3 dim
  • pure_complex_t an n-dimensional complex is said to be pure if each k cell (k < n) is a face of at least one n-dimensional cell
  • boundary operator
    • the boundary of the boundary of a cell_complex_t should be zero even if the cell_complex_t is not a bounfold_t


  • like cell-complex but without self adjacency which simplifies the data structure
  • polytopal-complex can be used as basic data structure in meshing


  • quaternion
  • clifford-algebra


  • use go to test game tree searching
  • why the games of logic seem like one-player game ?
  • aristotle (lukasiewicz) -> de morgan -> peirce
  • martin-gardner
  • (paper) investigations into game semantics of logic
  • surreal – the theory of surreal number
    • theory about two-player normal-ending game


  • 3 circle dance
  • 4 circle dance