Vulnerability scans can generate a great deal of traffic and, in some cases, can even result in denial of service conditions on many network devices, so caution must be exercised before making use of mass vulnerability scanners on a penetration test.
- To get all available Nmap Vulnerabilities scripts
cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
ls -l *vuln*
- Then start Using one of them
We will see in the output that not only did Nmap will find if the server is vulnerable; it also retrieved the admin'ʹs password hash.
nmap -v -p 80 --script=http-vuln-cve2010-2861
- The ftp-anon NSE script lets us quickly scan a range of IP addresses for FTP servers that allow anonymous access
nmap -v -p 21 --script=ftp-anon.nse
- we can check the security level of an SMB server with the smb-security-mode NSE scrip
nmap -v -p 139, 445 --script=smb-security-mode
- Beyond penetration testing, network administrators can also benefit from NSE scripts, by verifying that patches have been applied against a group of servers or workstations.
For example, you can use nmap data to verify that all domain web servers have been patched against CVE-2011-319240, an Apache denial of service vulnerability.
nmap -v -p 80 --script=http-vuln-cve2011-3192‐210
- In the output above, a server was found to be to possess the denial of service vulnerability.
- Nmap also provides links to various references that the user can visit for more information about the discovered vulnerability.
(OpenVAS) is a powerful vulnerability scanner, containing thousands of vulnerability checks.
# First, run the initial setup
> openvas-setup
# Then add user
> openvas-adduser
# now launch Greenbone Security Desktop and log in
> gsd
nmap -v -p 80 --script http-vuln-cve2010-2861 $IP
- checks for ColdFusion webservers with a known directory traversal vuln
nmap -v -p 80 --script all $IP
- runs all relevant vuln scripts
Several steps needed before running in Kali
- https://localhost:9392
- Check out scan config options for optimization