The code in this example shows how to connect multiple clients to a kernel. To get started:
git clone
cd kernel_gateway_demos/python_client_example
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
On startup there is a kernel and client created. When the kernels is created, the kernel id and a command to connect another client is printed. You should use this command in another terminal window. An example of this output is:
Created kernel KERNEL_ID. Connect other clients with the following command:
docker-compose run client --kernel-id=KERNEL_ID
If you do not specify a kernel-id
option a new one will be created. The options for the client are:
--code The code to execute on the kernel. (default
print('hello, world!'))
--kernel-id The id of an existing kernel for connecting
and executing code. If not specified, a new
kernel will be created.
--lang The kernel language if a new kernel will be
created. (default python)
--times The number of times to execute the code
string. (default 2)