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How to Use the SDK


The SDK is still in development and not available in the npm. Full documentation will be available later.


Add the SDK to your package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "react-native-powerauth-mobile-sdk": "^2.5.1",
    "react-native-mtoken-sdk" : "git://"


This adds a development version of the SDK MobileToken to your project. A stable version will be released soon.



To use the MobileToken object, you need a PowerAuth instance.

When calling any of the MobileToken methods, be sure that the PowerAuth instance is active, otherwise, you'll get a PowerAuth error.

Sample code

import { PowerAuth } from 'react-native-powerauth-mobile-sdk';
import { MobileToken } from 'react-native-mtoken-sdk';

let powerAuth = new PowerAuth("my-instance");
let mtoken = new MobileToken(powerAuth);

// fetches operation list. PowerAuth instance needs to be activated.
let list = await mtoken.operationList();

Language configuration

The MobileToken class contains the acceptLanguage property that "informs the server" in which languages should be operations returned.

For example, when the value is set to en, the title of the message could return "System Login" and when de, it might be "Systemanmeldung".


Availability of the language depends on the configuration of the backend and the operation.

Available Features

Operation List

Fetches list of operations waiting for approval from the server.


let list = await mtoken.operationList();
if (list.responseObject) { // success
    // do something with the list
} else if (list.responseError) { // API error
    // process the error

Operation Detail

Fetches a single operation that is waiting for approval.


let operationId = "id-of-the-operation" // operation ID

let list = await mtoken.operationDetail(operationId);
if (list.responseObject) { // success
    // do something with the operation
} else if (list.responseError) { // API error
    // process the error

Operation Authorization

Authorizes an operation that is waiting for approval.


// operation to approve from the server
let operation = await mtoken.operationDetail("my-operation-to-approve");
// or you can create your own. Both of these values need to be fetched from your own API endpoint/server.
let ownOperation = {
    id: "my-operation-to-approve",
    data: "DataToSign"

// Password that the user set up when activating the PowerAuth instance. 
// This should be entered by the user.
let pin = "1111"; 
// Authentication object that will sign the operation
// Or use PowerAuthAuthentication.biometry when operation allows it.
let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.password(pin);
let response = await mtoken.authorize(operation, auth);
if (response.status == "OK") {
    // operation authorized
} else {
    // error - see response.responseError for more

Operation Reject

Rejects an operation that is waiting for approval.


let operationId = "your-operation-id";
let response = await mtoken.reject(operationId, "INCORRECT_DATA");
if (response.status == "OK") {
    // operation rejected
} else {
    // error - see response.responseError for more info

Register for push notifications

Registering the device for the push notifications about operations tied to the current PowerAuth activation.


It's recommended to call this method at each app's start as the token might expire without any prior warning.


// this example uses expo-notifications package
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';

const { status: existingStatus } = await Notifications.getPermissionsAsync();
let finalStatus = existingStatus;

if (existingStatus !== 'granted') {
    const { status } = await Notifications.requestPermissionsAsync();
    finalStatus = status;
if (finalStatus !== 'granted') {
    alert('Failed to get push token for push notification!');
let token = (await Notifications.getDevicePushTokenAsync()).data;

let response = await mtoken.registerForPush(token);

if (response.status == "OK") {
    // push registered
} else {
    // error - see response.responseError for more info