When Executed ? : This event is triggered when you interact with the result page (applying sort and filter, pagination, swatch click), and a new view is rendered.
Purpose: It allows for adding custom event listeners on elements.
Below are examples illustrating how to utilize this event.
Suppose you want to apply specific CSS when there is only one product in the response. You can write the logic like this:
if (payload.data.api === 'filter' || payload.data.api === 'search') {
let productList = payload.data.response.payload.result;
if (productList.length === 1) {
} else {
//For Autocomplete API
"response": {
"api": "autocomplete",
"requestId": "f5b56d19-796e-4f81-b2df-7fbfd9043367",
"responseId": "575d0cc2-384e-11ef-a8d5-0a6a11aebf00"
//For search API
"response": {
"api": "search",
"requestId": "f5b56d19-796e-4f81-b2df-7fbfd9043367",
"responseId": "575d0cc2-384e-11ef-a8d5-0a6a11aebf00"
//For filter API
"response": {
"api": "filter",
"requestId": "f5b56d19-796e-4f81-b2df-7fbfd9043367",
"responseId": "575d0cc2-384e-11ef-a8d5-0a6a11aebf00"