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Topic Handler Setup

Although the standard Gos WebSocket PubSub can be useful as a simple channel for allowing messages to be pushed to users, anymore advanced functionality will require custom Topic Handlers.

Similar to RPC, topic handlers are slightly specialised Symfony2 services. They must implement the interface Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicInterface

What is a topic ?

A topic is the server side representation of a pubsub channel.

You just have to register a topic who catch all channel prefixed by chat to handle pubsub. A topic can only support one prefix.


  • Create the topic handler service
  • Register your service with symfony
  • Connect the client with your topic
  • Link the topic with channel with pubsub router

Step 1: Create the Topic Handler Service


namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Topic;

use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicInterface;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;
use Ratchet\Wamp\Topic;
use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Router\WampRequest;

class AcmeTopic implements TopicInterface
     * This will receive any Subscription requests for this topic.
     * @param ConnectionInterface $connection
     * @param Topic $topic
     * @param WampRequest $request
     * @return void
    public function onSubscribe(ConnectionInterface $connection, Topic $topic, WampRequest $request)
        //this will broadcast the message to ALL subscribers of this topic.
        $topic->broadcast(['msg' => $connection->resourceId . " has joined " . $topic->getId()]);

     * This will receive any UnSubscription requests for this topic.
     * @param ConnectionInterface $connection
     * @param Topic $topic
     * @param WampRequest $request
     * @return void
    public function onUnSubscribe(ConnectionInterface $connection, Topic $topic, WampRequest $request)
        //this will broadcast the message to ALL subscribers of this topic.
        $topic->broadcast(['msg' => $connection->resourceId . " has left " . $topic->getId()]);

     * This will receive any Publish requests for this topic.
     * @param ConnectionInterface $connection
     * @param Topic $topic
     * @param WampRequest $request
     * @param $event
     * @param array $exclude
     * @param array $eligible
     * @return mixed|void
    public function onPublish(ConnectionInterface $connection, Topic $topic, WampRequest $request, $event, array $exclude, array $eligible)
        	$topic->getId() will contain the FULL requested uri, so you can proceed based on that

            if ($topic->getId() === 'acme/channel/shout')
     	       //shout something to all subs.

        	'msg' => $event,

    * Like RPC is will use to prefix the channel
    * @return string
    public function getName()
        return 'acme.topic';

Most important things in topic

Broadcast full definition

Topic::broadcast($msg, array $exclude = array(), array $eligible = array());

Send a message to all the connections in this topic.

Note : $exclude and $include work with Wamp Session ID available through $connection->WAMP->sessionId

How get the current channel information (route, attributes, path etc ...) ?

$request->getRouteName() Will give the matched route name

$request->getRoute() will give RouteInterface object.

$request->getAttributes() will give ParameterBag

For example, your channel pattern is chat/user/{room}, user subscribe to chat/user/room1

$request->getAttributes()->get('room'); will return room1. You can look step3 who explain how pubsub router work.

$topic->getId() will return the subscribed channel e.g : chat/user/room1

How iterate over my subscribers ?

Topic implements IteratorAggregate, you can iterate over subscribers present in your topic. Client are reprensented by ConnectionInterface

/** @var ConnectionInterface $client **/
foreach ($topic as $client) {
    //Do stuff ...

How send a message only to my current client ?

$connection->event($topic->getId(), ['msg' => 'lol']);

How count the number of subscribers I currently have ?

Topic implements Countable interface, you just have to do count($topic)

Topic interface & explaination

The 4 methods that must be implemented are:

  • onSubscribe(ConnectionInterface $connection, Topic $topic, WampRequest $request) When client subscribe to the topic
  • onUnSubscribe(ConnectionInterface $connection, Topic $topic, WampRequest $request) When client unsubscribe to the topic
  • onPublish(ConnectionInterface $connection, Topic $topic, WampRequest $request, $event, array $exclude, array $eligible) When client publish inside the topic
  • getName() Use for routing definition, used to point this class.


  • ConnectionInterface $connection is the connection object of the client who has initiated this event.
  • TopicInterface $topic is the Topic object. This also contains a list of current subscribers, so you don't have to manually keep track.
  • WampRequest Is the representation of the request make trough websocket.

Periodic Timer (Topic & Connection)

Topic periodic timer are active when at least one client is connected.

Attached on the topic (Means all subscribers are affected by this periodic timer)

You must implement TopicPeriodicTimerInterface to attach periodic timer to your Topic object.

In other word, if you have something like : "Each 5 minutes all subscriber of my topic must recieve a message (ads, bot message etc...)" This feature is for that.

You will need to add these 2 functions :

  • setPeriodicTimer(TopicPeriodicTimer $periodicTimer)
  • registerPeriodicTimer(Topic $topic)

A trait is available to make your life easier, it implement setPeriodicTimer and related property: Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicPeriodicTimerTrait

use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicInterface;
use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicPeriodicTimer;
use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicPeriodicTimerInterface;

class AcmeTopic implements TopicInterface, TopicPeriodicTimerInterface
     * @var TopicPeriodicTimer
    protected $periodicTimer;

     * @param TopicPeriodicTimer $periodicTimer
    public function setPeriodicTimer(TopicPeriodicTimer $periodicTimer)
        $this->periodicTimer = $periodicTimer;

     * @param Topic $topic
     * @return array
    public function registerPeriodicTimer(Topic $topic)
        $this->periodicTimer->addPeriodicTimer($this, 'hello', 2, function() use ($topic) {
            $topic->broadcast('hello world');

        $this->periodicTimer->isPeriodicTimerActive($this, 'hello'); // true or false

        $this->periodicTimer->cancelPeriodicTimer($this, 'hello');

Attached on connection (means each client can have different periodic timer)

This feature allow you to use Periodic Timer to emit periodically to your client.

In other word, if you have something like "Each 5 second this bob must recieve this message, and alice muste reciev another message each 10 minutes and then cancel timer of bob only" this feature is for you.

use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\TopicInterface;
use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Topic\ConnectionPeriodicTimer;

 * @param  ConnectionInterface $connection
 * @param  Topic               $topic
 * @param WampRequest          $request
public function onSubscribe(ConnectionInterface $connection, Topic $topic, WampRequest $request)
    /** @var ConnectionPeriodicTimer $topicTimer */
    $topicTimer = $connection->PeriodicTimer;

    //Add periodic timer
    $topicTimer->addPeriodicTimer('hello', 2, function() use ($topic, $connection) {
        $connection->event($topic->getId(), ['msg' => 'hello world']);

    $topicTimer->isPeriodicTimerActive('hello'); //true or false

    //Remove periodic timer

💥 Periodic timer is bind on the current connection ! So if you broadcast from periodic timer your clients will recieve this message x * the number of subscribers

Step 2: Register your service with Symfony

If you are using YML, edit YourBundle/Resources/config/services.yml

For other formats, please check the Symfony2 Documents

        class: Acme\HelloBundle\Topic\AcmeTopic

From now you can directly tag your service to register your service into GosWebSocket

        class: Acme\HelloBundle\Topic\AcmeTopic
            - { name: gos_web_socket.topic }

or register via "app/config/config.yml"

        - @acme_hello.topic_sample_service

Retrieve authenticated user through Symfony firewall

Look at here

Step 3: Connect client to your topics

The following javascript will show connecting to this topic, notice how "acme/channel" will match the name "acme" we gave the service.


    //the callback function in "subscribe" is called everytime an event is published in that channel.
    session.subscribe("acme/channel", function(uri, payload){
        console.log("Received message", payload.msg);

    session.publish("acme/channel", {msg: "This is a message!"});


    session.publish("acme/channel", {msg: "I won't see this"});

Step 4 : Link channel & topic with pubsub router

  • Channel can be static e.g : acme/user
  • Channel can be dynamic e.g : acme/user/*

Now will say to the system, topic named acme.topic (related to Topic::getName())` will handle channel pattern.

if he not already exists, create AcmeBundle/Resources/config/pubsub/routing.yml and register it in the websocket bundle configuration

NOTE : Don't forget to clear your cache take in account the new file.

        port: 8080
                - @AcmeBundle/Resources/config/pubsub/routing.yml

Create the route to rely channel / topic

    channel: acme/channel
        callback: 'acme.topic' #related to the getName() of your topic

Advanced example

    channel: acme/chat/{room}/{user_id}
        callback: 'acme.topic' #related to the getName() of your topic
            pattern: "[a-z]+" #accept all valid regex, don't put delimiters !
            pattern: "\d+"

From here, each call who match with this pattern will handled by AcmeTopic.

This route will match acme/chat/dev_room/123 and will be handled by topic named acme.topic

Another example, more complicated :

    channel: notification/user/{role}/{application}/{user}
        callback: 'notification.topic'
            pattern: "editor|admin|client"
            pattern: "[a-z]+"
            pattern: "\d+"
            wildcard: true

Wildcard parameter allow you to match on this : notification/user/admin/blog-app/* and also notification/user/admin/blog-app/all and by the way notification/user/admin/blog-app/1234 for notification system it can be usefull.

Please note, this is not secure as anyone can subscribe to these channels by making a request for them. For true private channels, you will need to implement server side security

For more information on the Client Side of Gos WebSocket, please see Client Side Setup