is a reusable and accessible calendar view.
- fully accessible keyboard navigation (Arrow Keys, PgUp, PgDn, ALT+PgUp, ALT+PgDn)
- minDate: disables all dates before a given date
- maxDate: disables all dates after a given date
- disableDates: disables some dates within an available range
- selectedDate: currently selected date
- centralDate: date that determines the currently visible month and that will be focused when keyboard moves the focus to the month grid
- focusedDate: (getter only) currently focused date (if there is any with real focus)
- focusDate(date): focus on a certain date
- focusSelectedDate(): focus on the current selected date
- focusCentralDate(): focus on the current central date
- firstDayOfWeek: typically Sunday (default) or Monday
- weekdayHeaderNotation: long/short/narrow for the current locale (e.g. Thursday/Thu/T)
- locale: different locale for the current component only
npm i --save @lion/calendar
import '@lion/calendar/lion-calendar.js';
.minDate="${new Date()}"
.maxDate="${new Date('2019/12/09')}"
.disableDates=${day => day.getDay() === 6 || day.getDay() === 0}