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File metadata and controls

206 lines (168 loc) · 8.16 KB


The tool cppconv, built with dub, analyzes C and C++ code and tries to produce equivalent D code.

The repository also contains the tool build.d, which downloads the source code for existing projects and runs cppconv to convert them to D. Currently it has a small sample project and projects for generating bindings to Qt.


Normal C and C++ code is first processed by the preprocessor, which can for example replace macros and remove code with special directives like #if. D does not use a preprocessor, so the converted code needs to use different features. A built-in preprocessor is used in cppconv, which works a bit different from a normal preprocessor. Macros don't need to have single value, but can have different values or be undefined depending on conditions. Later all possible values for macros are processed when using the macros in code or for conditional compilation. The resulting D code can then use version or static if statements for conditional compilation. Some macros can be translated to enums or mixins.

The built-in preprocessor has some custom directives, which are documented below. They are normally used in a special header, which is processed before the normal code. One example is the file projects/qt5/prefixinclude.h, which sets some macros for generating the bindings for Qt.

#addincludepath "path"

Add another include path. It can be used inside #if blocks, so the include path is e.g. only used on one platform.

#unknown NAME

Mark macro NAME as defined, but with an unknown value.

#lockdefine NAME

Ignore any further directives for macro NAME. This is used when a library defines a macro, but a different define should be used when converting the source code.

#regex_undef "REGEX"

Marks all macros matching the regular expression as undefined.

#alias NAME EXPR

Declare a macro NAME, which is defined if EXPR is true. This is equivalent to this sequence of directives:

#undef NAME
#if EXPR
#define NAME 1

Additionally the converter remembers the connection between NAME and EXPR. The converted code can later use NAME again instead of EXPR. One use case is to declare mutually exclusive macros, e.g.:

#unknown OS
#alias LINUX OS == 1
#alias WIN   OS == 2
#alias MACOS OS == 3

Normally the converter allows all combinations of the platform macros, but in practice at most one of them can be defined. Using the single macro OS internally tells the converter, which combinations are possible.

#imply EXPR

Add implication for preprocessor symbols. Only simple implications are supported. This can simplify conditions in the generated code. All implications should be declared early and be the same for all translation units. In following example ANDROID is only defined, when LINUX is also defined.

#if defined(ANDROID)
#imply defined(LINUX)


Argument --output-dir of cppconv selects the directory, where the output D files are stored. The existing projects built by build.d use a directory called conv inside the project directory, like projects/qt5/conv.

A configuration file selected with argument --output-config controls details about the generated files. One example is projects/qt5/output-config.json, which also includes other settings from file projects/common/output-config.json. Settings from the included file can be overridden in the including file. For settings, which are a list of patterns or values, the lists are combined. Different settings in this file are documented below.


The conversion tries to preserve formatting, whitespace and comments from the source files. Sometimes additional indentation has to be added. This can be configured with the setting indent.

Special Modules

Two special modules are used by the generated code. The modules are not generated, but have to be supplied manually. A config module contains declarations used for conditional compilation. The module name is configured with setting configModule. There is also a helper module with different declarations used in the generated code. Setting helperModule contains the module name.

Declaration Pattern

Some settings in the output configuration apply to C++ declarations. These settings can use patterns for different properties of the declarations to apply settings to the selected declarations. A list of patterns is used, and the last match is used for every declaration. Some settings directly use a list of patterns, while others use a list of objects with a pattern and values for the setting.

The following properties of declarations can be used:

  • filename: A regular expression for the filename.
  • name: A regular expression for the name of the declaration.
  • lines: A range of line numbers of the declaration.
  • isTemplate: Set to true, so only templates are selected, or to false, so only non-templates are selected.
  • inMacro: Select if the declaration should or should not be declared in a macro.

The regular expressions can contain named captures, which can be used in some settings. Currently, the capture name needs to be a single letter, and it will be used with a percent sign.

Declaration Selection

Not all declarations from the source files should be in the output. By default, only declarations from the main translation units and dependencies are used. The setting includeDeclFilenamePatterns can configure other files, where all declarations should be included. It contains a list of regular expressions for filenames.

It is possible to exclude declarations from the output with setting blacklist. It contains a list of declaration patterns. The selected declarations are not translated to D code, but may still be included as comments.

Module Names

Setting modulePatterns controls how the declarations are distributed into output modules. It contains a list of objects. Every object contains a declaration pattern in subobject match. For every declaration the last match is selected. Setting moduleName will then select the module name for the declaration. It can also contain named captures from the declaration pattern. The filename inside the output directory is based on the module name. Optionally it can be in another subdirectory with the setting extraPrefix. This can be used to generate different versions of the same module for different platforms.

class vs struct

Both C++ and D can declare new types as class or struct, but they mean different things. In C++ it changes the default visibility, but in D it controls if a virtual table is used and inheritance is allowed. The converter automatically detects virtual methods and chooses class or struct based on this. Setting typeKinds allows overriding this choice.


The tool cppconv can be used alone, but this repository also contains build.d, which runs it for some existing projects. These projects are subdirectories in directory projects. Some are only used as dependencies for other projects.

Running build.d will download the source code for all required projects and extract it in subdirectory orig of the project directory. It is only created, when it does not yet exist or changes are detected, like a new version of the project. Some changes may not be detected, so sometimes it has to be manually deleted.

For projects with main source files, build.d will then call cppconv with the correct parameters, so the D output files are created. They will be placed in subdirectory conv of the project.

The sample project can be used with this command:

dmd -run build.d sample

It does not download any source code. Instead, the code from projects/sample/src/ is converted and placed in projects/sample/conv/.

The bindings for qt5 can be generated with:

dmd -run build.d qt5

The header files for Qt are downloaded and placed in projects/qt5/orig/. Headers for dependencies, like libc, are also downloaded and placed in other orig-directories for the projects. The bindings for Qt are then generated in projects/qt5/conv/. The same can be done with qt6 instead of qt5.

The program build.d and the converter have only been tested on Linux. Program build.d calls some external programs like wget, tar, 7z and make to download, extract and prepare the source for the projects.