This example demonstrates:
How to expose multiple data sources for data federation and how to expose as a real time data service.
How to compose data via layer based view design pattern.
How to connect multiple data stores and develop VDB service with cloud native enable and microservice enable modern application development way.
As above figure, the customers data are currently spread over several databases, one for US Customers data, another for APAC Customers data, the data model in different databases are similar, but there are some difference, for example, the account
table in apaccustomers
database use CustID represent Customer ID, and in uscustomers
the SSN represent the Customer ID. Some columns data type are also different in different databases. In this example:
The jdbc connector used to connect the databases.
The layer based view design pattern create different layers for data composing, the
Virtual Base Layer
is just a series of views that have one-to-one correspendence to each of the source tables; theEnterprise Data Layer
is resolve the slight semantic differences between theapaccustomers
databases; theFederated Data Layer
is unite the data between different databases virtually. -
The Teiid Data Service is a microservice base on cloud native and modern application development pattern to supply JDBC and OData entrypoint for Data consuming.
Please raise any issues found with this example in our JIRA:
This example requires Java 8 JDK or greater and Maven 3.3.x. |
The project is a maven project with vdb
packaging. This is special packaging developed for Teiid based VDB. The pom.xml
is the key file for building a Thorntail based application. To enable vdb
packing you need to add following to your pom.xml
... see more in pom.xml file
This project also requires the thorntail-maven-plugin
to build a uber jar with -thorntail.jar
extension, for that add the following
... see more in pom.xml file
The project also requires fabric8-maven-plugin
to deploy the example to Kubernetes or OpenShift, for that add the following
... see more in pom.xml file
This project depends on Teiid Fraction and Teiid’s JDBC translator in Thorntail, then add the following dependencies
Since we are using the MySQL database, we would need to add dependency on MySQL JDBC driver by adding the following
if you want your Teiid instance to expose OData API, then add the following dependency
Thorntail based Teiid currently only supports XML/DDL based VDBS with -vdb.xml extension. Develop your VDB completely using Desginer perhaps or simply using a text editor, once done place the VDB file in src/main/vdb
A Openshift or Minishift should be started, a oc client should be installed on your local machine, execute the following commands to login into OpenShift and create a new project.
$ oc login -u developer -p developer
$ oc new-project teiid-data-service
$ oc new-app --name=mysql-apaccustomers -e MYSQL_USER=test_user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=test_pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=apaccustomers -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=redhat
$ oc port-forward mysql-apaccustomers-1-jb1rb 13306:3306
$ mysql -h127.0.0.1 -utest_user -ptest_pass -P13306 apaccustomers < src/main/sql/apaccustomers-mysql.sql
oc get pods can get the pod name which used in above commands, a new terminal should be open for sample data to mysql. To test or verify the sample data, use the mysql -h127.0.0.1 -utest_user -ptest_pass -P13306 apaccustomers -e SQL can execute sql query.
$ oc new-app --name=mysql-uscustomers -e MYSQL_USER=test_user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=test_pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=uscustomers -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=redhat
$ oc port-forward mysql-uscustomers-1-9p7g8 13307:3306
$ mysql -h127.0.0.1 -utest_user -ptest_pass -P13307 uscustomers < src/main/sql/uscustomers-mysql.sql
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -utest_user -ptest_pass -P13307 apaccustomers -e SQL can used to test or verify the sample data.
$ mvn clean package
$ java \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
-DAB_JOLOKIA_OFF=true -jar target/vdb-service-1.0.0-thorntail.jar
Once the Thorntail uber jar started correctly, refer to Query Demonstrations for data query demonstrations.
$ mvn clean fabric8:deploy -Popenshift
Once the fabric8 deploy success, use the watch oc get all
to monitor the OpenShift S2I, deployment, once everthing is done refer to Query Demonstrations for data query demonstrations.
$ docker build -t vdb-datafederation-thorntail .
$ docker tag vdb-datafederation-thorntail teiid/vdb-datafederation-thorntail:1.0
$ docker run -p 31000:31000 8080:8080 teiid/vdb-datafederation-thorntail:1.0 -e \
-e \
-e \
-e \
-e \
-e \
-e \
Once the docker container started, refer to Query Demonstrations for data query demonstrations.
To test the jdbc query, execute the oc port-forward vdb-service-1-xsf9b 31100:31000
to forward the port, the use jdbc:teiid:Portfolio@mm://;version=1
to create the JDBC Connection. The below is the welcome page of Squirrel SQL Client:
From the figure, there are layers view model like APAC_Customers
, APAC_Customers_VBL
, US_Customers
, US_Customers_VBL
, the Customers
is the top union model.
SELECT * FROM APAC_Customers.account
SELECT * FROM APAC_Customers_VBL.account
SELECT * FROM US_Customers.account
SELECT * FROM US_Customers.marketdata
SELECT * FROM US_Customers_VBL.account
SELECT * FROM Customers.account
To test the OData query, you need first get the hostname and port, if run locally, the
is a valid host, if run on Openshift, the oc get routes
can ge the host url.