- grab python from here
- Make sure you have all the dependencies listed in
installed - Install them using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- You can simply plug the samsung over USB and run
python main.py
git clone https://github.com/sudo-self/samsung-frp.git
cd samsung-frp
chmod +x unlock.sh
execute_adb_command "settings put global setup_wizard_has_run 1"
execute_adb_command "settings put secure user_setup_complete 1"
execute_adb_command "content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:DEVICE_PROVISIONED --bind value:i:1"
execute_adb_command "content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:i:1"
execute_adb_command "content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:INSTALL_NON_MARKET_APPS --bind value:i:1"
execute_adb_command "am start -c android.intent.category.HOME -a android.intent.action.MAIN"
execute_adb_command "am start -n com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings"
then reboot..