Yay, you're interested in helping this thing suck less. Thank you!
- JavaScript Sourcedist/
- Compiled and Minifiedexamples/
- Example test cases in browser
A great way to start a discussion about a potential issue is to submit an issue with the device, OS, and browser info.
Again, guard your time and effort. Make sure that you don't spend a lot of time on an improvement without talking through it first.
npm install --dev
gulp watch
When you edit and save the files in the src/
directory it will recompile the
pressure.js and jquery.pressure.js libraries (including the minified versions)
and drop them into the dist/
Good Pull Requests include:
- A clear explaination of the problem (or enhancement)
- Clean commit history (squash where it makes sense)
- Relevant Explination of how to test
Thanks to Payform for the contribution template.