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Provider Protocol

status:wip hackmd-github-sync-badge




Thinking about users in web2 terms introduces unfortunate limitations and seems to be a poor fit for User Controlled Authorization Network (UCAN).


In web2, a user (which could be an individual or an organization) directly correlates to a (name) space (usually behind a walled garden) they're given access to. In this model, a user authenticates using credentials or a server issued (secret) authorization token to gain an access to set of capabilities with-in a bound (name) space.

If there is a notion of sharing capabilities it's usually limited & very domain specific. Sharing across applications is extremely rare and usually involves large cross-organizational efforts.

With a UCAN based authorization model, things are different. User creates a (name)space (addressed by did:key URI) locally and can delegate set of capabilities to an agent (also addressed by did:key URI) that acts on their behalf. This allows an agent to invoke any of the delegated capabilities or to (re)delegate them to another user, so they could invoke them. This model enables a wide range of possibilities that are difficult to impossible in the web2 model. Capabilities are the protocol, therefore sharing and interop is built into every layer of the stack. Inevitably this breaks 1 to 1 correlation between users and spaces. Instead each user may have access to a multitude of spaces (that they either own or were delegated capabilities to) and a multitude of users may have access to the same (shared) space.

The implications of this are tremendous, we are no longer building apps behind walled gardens, but rather tap into the rich network of information with self describing protocols


As we have above established, users create, own, and manage access to their space through the capabilities that can be delegated. However, owning a store/add capability to some did:key:zAlice space does not imply it can be invoked, something needs to provide that capability. A user can contract a "storage provider" which they can add it to their (or anyone else's) space, in turn making it possible for a anyone with store/add capability to a space with a store provider to store data.

Providers are services which user can add to a space so they can handle provided capabilities when they are invoked.


Direct correlation between a user and a space in the Web 2 model leads to a system in which users fund their space (by money or their privacy).

Decoupling users from spaces enables all kinds of funding strategies. User can hire a storage provider and add it to their space. User can also hire a provider and add it to some common goods space they would like to financially support. Just like every capability can be shared, just the same, every space can be crowd funded, because space is decoupled from the capability provider(s).


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.



Any valid did:key identifier SHOULD represent a valid space that has no capability providers, therefore attempt to store data into such space (or invoking any other capability) SHOULD fail.


Space is a resource that MUST be addressed by the did:key URI. It is owned by the (corresponding) private key holder.

Any UCAN capability for the space resource MUST be issued by the owner (UCAN iss MUST be equal to with of the capability) or its delegate (UCAN MUST have a proof chain leading to delegation from the owner).

This implies that UCAN invocations on a space resource CAN be validated by verifying:

  1. Signatures, time bounds and principal alignment of the delegation chain.
  2. Root issuer is the same DID as a resource (with field) of the invoked capability.


User MAY create a new space by generating a keypair and deriving a valid did:key identifier from it.

It is RECOMMENDED that user facing applications create a space for a new user with a ED25519 keypair & delegate capabilities to it to a local agent whose DID is derived from another non-extractable keypair.

This grants an agent access to a space without reusing its key or a risk of it been compromised.

// illustration of the space to agent delegation
  "iss": "did:key:zSpace",
  "aud": "did:key:zAgent",
  "exp": null, // delegation never expires
  // allows did:key:zAgent to do anything with did:key:zSpace
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zSpace",
      "can": "*"


As we have established, space creator is an owner and has a full authority to delegate whichever capabilities to others. However, unless a space has an active provider of the capabilities, no invocation of them could succeed.

To make capabilities invocable, one needs to obtain a provider and add it to the desired space. For example, a user could get the "free" provider from, which provides store/* and upload/* capabilities allowing them to store up to 5GiB of data.

flowchart TB


  style W3 fill:grey,color:black,stroke:grey
  style NFT fill:grey,color:black,stroke:grey


Provider protocol

The "free" provider setup describes a more general framework for unlocking various capabilities.

It is RECOMMENDED to follow the outlined provider/* protocol even if some domain specific details may vary.


A user MAY get a "free" storage provider (from by invoking a self-issued provider/get capability.

Free provider requires that resource of invocation MUST be an [did:mailto] principal and that consumer is provided in order to uphold 1 free provider per account limitation.

  "iss": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "can": "provider/get",
      "with": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "nb": {
        // did of the provider,
        "provider": "",
        // did of the consumer space
        "consumer": "did:key:zSpace"
  // proof that agent is authorized to represent account
  "prf": [
      "iss": "",
      "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "att": [
          "can": "./update",
          "with": "",
          "nb": {
            "key": "did:key:zAgent"

get with

Providers MAY impose certain requirements that resource (with) must meet.

Free provider (from requires that resource MUST be a [did:mailto] identifier. Lite and Expert providers (from additionally require that the invocation resource have a payment provider (for billing purposes).

get nb.provider

Capability MUST have nb.provider field specifying a DID of the provider requested.

get nb.consumer

Providers can be requested for multiple consumers (spaces) by omitting this field or to a specific consumer by setting this field to a DID.

  "can": "provider/get",
  "with": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "nb": {
    // did of the provider,
    "provider": ""
    // without the consumer field the request is for multiple consumers

⚠️ Some providers (e.g. Free provider from MAY deny request when nb.consumer is not defined, because they limit number of providers issued per user account.

get nb...

Some providers MAY specify additional nb fields.


An agent MUST be delegated consumer/add capability, on successful provider/get invocation.

Please note that provider MAY also delegate consumer/add capability for no reason at all e.g. as free giveaway campaign.

  "iss": "",
  "aud": "did:key:zAgent",
  "att": [
      "can": "consumer/add",
      "with": "",
      "nb": {
        // link to a "provider/get" invocation
        "request": { "/": "bafy...get" },
        // did of the consumer space
        "consumer": "did:key:zSpace"
  "prf": [
      "iss": "",
      "aud": "",
      "att": [
          "can": "consumer/add",
          "with": ""

add aud

Capability MUST be delegated back to the iss of the provider/get request.

This allows authorized agent to delegate provider/get capability to an agent or another user, which can then complete the loop using consumer/add. If capability was delegated back to with identifier instead, only account or delegate (with consumer/add capability) would be able to complete the loop.

add with

Capability resource MUST be a provider DID. It MUST be the same as nb.provider of the corresponding provider/get invocation.

add nb.consumer

The nb.consumer MUST be set to the same DID as nb.consumer of the provider/get request.

⚠️ Omitting nb.consumer allows delegate to add arbitrary number of consumers to the provider

add nb.request

Issuers MUST set the nb.request field to the corresponding link (CID) of the provider/get invocation.

This also represents a signed proof that user agreed to the terms and conditions of the service.

add nb...

Providers MAY impose various other constraints using nb fields of the consumer/add capability. Usually they would mirror nb fields of the corresponding provider/get request.

consumer/add invocation

Invoking delegated consumer/add capability adds a consumer (space) to the provider. It also automatically adds the provider to the consumer space, making provided capabilities invocable by authorized agents.

Please note that while providers may add consumers without their consent, that will not affect consumers in any way. Unless a provider is used it has no effect on space. Consumer is also not who gets billed for the service it is an account that submitted a request, which is to say that unsolicited providers are sponsored by a third party.

  "iss": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "aud:" "",
  "att": [
      "with": "",
      "can": "consumer/add",
      "nb": {
        // link to a "provider/get" invocation
        "request": { "/": "bafy...get" },
        "consumer": "did:key:zSpace"
  "prf": [
    // proof that agent is authorized to represent account
      "iss": "",
      "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "att": [{
        "can": "./update",
        "with": "",
        "nb": {
          "key": "did:key:zAgent"
      "iss": "",
      "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "att": [
          "can": "consumer/add",
          "with": "",
          "nb": {
            // link to "provider/signup" invocation
            "request": { "/": "bafy...get" },
            "consumer": "did:key:zSpace"
      "prf": [
          "iss": "",
          "aud": "",
          "att": [
              "can": "consumer/add",
              "with": ""


In the future we plan to define a set of provider capabilities that will allow an author to specify the capabilities it provides, terms of service and various other details.

In the meantime, publishing providers is not supported. However, existing providers do impose specific terms and limitations. For example, the following terms are imposed by provider:

  1. Provided store/* capabilities are limited to 5GiB of storage.
  2. Agent MUST specify nb.consumer in provider/get invocation to enforce single consumer space per user limitation.
  3. Invocation MUST be issued by a [did:mailto] identifier


In a typical flow, a user requests provider/get to get consumer/add capability delegated, which it then invokes to add a desired nb.consumer (space).

  participant Agent as 💻<br/><br/>did:key:zAgent #32;
  participant Provider as 🤖<br/><br/> #32;
  participant W3 as 🌐<br/><br/> #32;

  Agent ->> Provider: provider/get
  activate Provider
  Provider->>Agent: consumer/add
  deactivate Provider
  Agent->>W3: consumer/add

A more simplified flow exists for cases when provider is needed for a specific (space) consumer. In those cases a provider/add capability can be invoked, which is equivalent of provider/get, except nb.consumer MUST be a concrete DID. On successful invocation, the provider takes care of invoking consumer/add instead of delegating it back to an agent, which removes the need for an extra roundtrip.

  participant Agent as 💻<br/><br/>did:key:zAgent #32;
  participant Provider as 🤖<br/><br/> #32;
  participant W3 as 🌐<br/><br/> #32;

  Agent ->> Provider: provider/add
  Provider ->> W3: consumer/add

Payment protocol

Add payment provider

A user agent MAY add a payment provider using credit card information.

  "iss": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "can": "provider/add",
      "with": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "nb": {
        "provider": "",
        "consumer": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
        /* data is the linked CBOR block that has
         been encrypted with a symmetric key
         inside the `cypher`. We inline here for
        "credential": {
          "type": "card",
          "card": {
            "number": "4242424242424242",
            "exp_month": 9,
            "exp_year": 2023,
            "cvc": "314"
        /* symmetric key encrypted with a public
         key of the `aud` so only private key
         holder is able to decrypt */
        "cypher": "....."
  // proof that agent is authorized to represent account
  "prf": [
      "iss": "",
      "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "att": [
          "can": "./update",
          "with": "",
          "nb": {
            "key": "did:key:zAgent"

On success, the payment provider is added to the consumer, allowing an owner or a delegate to invoke and delegate payment/* capabilities.

A service MAY instead, or in addition to, create an out of bound payment method setup flow to avoid capturing sensitive data like card info.

Get payment provider

Just like with other providers user can invoke provider/get capability which may incur out-of-band interaction e.g. user may be directed to type in credit card information before response is completed.

Also note that provider/get / provider/add capabilities let user start a provider acquisition process, however services MAY also define alternative ways to issue consumer/add capabilities the users.

Add paid provider

When a space has a payment provider, its owner or delegate can invoke provider/add and provider/get capabilities to add providers that require payments.

Example below illustrates Alice adding a "Lite plan" to Bob's space on her expense.

  "iss": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "can": "provider/add",
      "with": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "nb": {
        // 30GiB storage plan
        "provider": "",
        // Space to add storage provider to
        "consumer": "did:key:zBob"
  // proof that agent is authorized to represent account
  "prf": [
      "iss": "",
      "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
      "att": [
          "can": "./update",
          "with": "",
          "nb": {
            "key": "did:key:zAgent"