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File metadata and controls

246 lines (200 loc) · 7.21 KB


Cloudex is an Elixir library that can upload image files or urls to Cloudinary. There is also a CLI tool available.

Getting started

defp deps do
  [  {:cloudex, "~> 1.3.0"},  ]

If you are using elixir 1.4, you can skip this step. The Cloudex app must be started. This can be done by adding :cloudex to the applications list in your mix.exs file. An example:

  def application do
    [applications: [:logger, :cloudex],


Cloudex requires the API credentials of your Cloudinary account. You can define either as ENV settings using the keys : CLOUDEX_API_KEY CLOUDEX_SECRET and CLOUDEX_CLOUD_NAME

or in your config.exs using :

  config :cloudex,
    api_key: "my-api-key",
    secret: "my-secret",
    cloud_name: "my-cloud-name"

Jason is the default json library in Cloudex. You can configure Cloudex to use another library. For example:

config :cloudex, :json_library, YourLibraryOfChoice


You can upload image files or urls pointing to an image as follows :


For uploading a url :

iex> Cloudex.upload("")
{:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{...}}

For uploading a file :

iex> Cloudex.upload("test/assets/test.jpg")
{:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{...}}

You can also upload a list of files, urls, or mix by giving upload a list like :

iex> Cloudex.upload(["/non/existing/file.jpg", ""])
[{:error, "File /non/existing/file.jpg does not exist."}, {:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{...}}]

An example of the %Cloudex.UploadedImage{} Struct looks as follows:

    bytes: 22659,
    created_at: "2015-11-27T10:02:23Z",
    etag: "dbb5764565c1b77ff049d20fcfd1d41d",
    format: "jpg",
    height: 167,
    original_filename: "test",
    public_id: "i2nruesgu4om3w9mtk1z",
    resource_type: "image",
    secure_url: "",
    signature: "77b447746476c82bb4921fdea62a9227c584974b",
    source: "",
    tags: [],
    type: "upload",
    url: "",
    version: 1448618543,
    width: 250

You can tag uploaded images with strings:

# as array
Cloudex.upload("test/assets/test.jpg", %{tags: ["foo", "bar"]})
# as comma-separated string
Cloudex.upload("test/assets/test.jpg", %{tags: "foo,bar"})

# result
{:ok, %Cloudex.UploadedImage{
    bytes: 22659,
    created_at: "2015-11-27T10:02:23Z",
    etag: "dbb5764565c1b77ff049d20fcfd1d41d",
    format: "jpg",
    height: 167,
    original_filename: "test",
    public_id: "i2nruesgu4om3w9mtk1z",
    resource_type: "image",
    secure_url: "",
    signature: "77b447746476c82bb4921fdea62a9227c584974b",
    source: "",
    tags: ["foo", "bar"],
    type: "upload",
    url: "",
    version: 1448618543,
    width: 250

List of additional parameters you can use with upload/2:

Cloudinary URL generation

This package also provides an helper to generate urls from cloudinary given a public id of the image. As a second argument you can pass in options to transform your image according via cloudinary.

Current supported options are :



Cloudex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{width: 400, height: 300})
Cloudex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{crop: "fill", fetch_format: 'auto', flags: 'progressive', width: 300, height: 254, quality: "jpegmini", sign_url: true})

You can add multiple effects using Cloudex.Url.for/2, an example would be adding an overlay to your image, using:

Cloudex.Url.for("a_public_id", [
  %{border: "5px_solid_rgb:c22c33", radius: 5, crop: "fill", height: 246, width: 470, quality: 80},
  %{overlay: "my_overlay", crop: "scale", gravity: "south_east", width: 128 ,x: 5, y: 15}

Deleting images

You can request deletion from cloudinary using Cloudex.delete/1 function where the first argument should be the public id of the image you want to delete.


iex> Cloudex.delete("public-id-1")
{:ok, %Cloudex.DeletedImage{public_id: "public-id-1"}}

iex> Cloudex.delete(["public-id-1", "public-id-2"])
  {:ok, %Cloudex.DeletedImage{public_id: "public-id-1"}},
  {:ok, %Cloudex.DeletedImage{public_id: "public-id-2"}}

Phoenix helper

If you are using phoenix, you can create a small helper called for example cl_image_tag Create a file containing the following :

defmodule MyApp.CloudexImageHelper do
  import Phoenix.HTML.Tag

  def cl_image_tag(public_id, options \\ []) do
    transformation_options = %{}
    if Keyword.has_key?(options, :transforms) do
      transformation_options = Map.merge(%{}, options[:transforms])

    image_tag_options = Keyword.delete(options, :transforms)

    defaults = [
      src: Cloudex.Url.for(public_id, transformation_options),
      width: picture.width,
      height: picture.height,
      alt: "image with name #{public_id}"

    attributes = Keyword.merge(defaults, image_tag_options)

    tag(:img, attributes)

Then in your web.ex add the following line in the def view section:

import MyApp.CloudexImageHelper

You should now be able to use the helper in your views as follows :

cl_image_tag(public_id, class: "thumbnail", transforms: %{opacity: "50", quality: "jpegmini", sign_url: true})


Documentation can be found at docs/index.html or online


The Cloudex Elixir library is released under the DWTFYW license. See the LICENSE file.