See the Scikit-HEP Developer introduction for a detailed description of best practices for developing Scikit-HEP packages.
You can set up a development environment by running:
python3 -m venv .env
source ./.env/bin/activate
pip install -v -e .[all]
You should prepare pre-commit, which will help you by checking that commits pass required checks:
pip install pre-commit # or brew install pre-commit on macOS
pre-commit install # Will install a pre-commit hook into the git repo
You can also/alternatively run pre-commit run
(changes only) or pre-commit run --all-files
to check even without installing the hook.
Use PyTest to run the unit checks:
- Make sure the changelog is up to date.
- Copy the contents of the changelog entry for that version.
- Make a new release on the GitHub Releases page, using the tag name
(will be created).