- SpaceVim: https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim
- Learn Mapping Keys in vim: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Mapping_keys_in_Vim_-_Tutorial_(Part_1)
- Effective Neovim: Instant IDE @YouTube: Click here
- Old Vim notes: Click here
Why? Ans. If you try command like sudo nvim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
then you'll able to use nvim but the config file (~/nvim/init.vim won't be loaded and you won't be able to use any nvim extension i.e, nerdtree, syntax highlighting, etc. Why is it? Becoz check here).
So, solution?
Make yourself root and then simply use nvim just as you do regularly. FYI: v is alias of nvim
in my .bashrc file. IT SIMPLY WORKS!
v /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Install Vim-Plug, according to its instructions.
Add the following text to your vimrc.
call plug#begin()
Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
call plug#end()
Restart Vim, and run the :PlugInstall statement to install your plugins.
Learning nerttree via command:
and press ? to turn on the Quick Help.- Of course, your most complete source of information is the documentation:
:help NERDTree
" ============================
" File node mappings~
" double-click,
" o: open in prev window
" go: preview
" t: open in new tab
" T: open in new tab silently
" middle-click,
" i: open split
" gi: preview split
" s: open vsplit
" gs: preview vsplit
" <CR>: custom open
" Directory node mappings~ │~
" double-click, │~
" o: open & close node │~
" O: recursively open node │~
" t: open in new tab │~
" T: open in new tab silently│~
" <CR>: custom open │~
" x: close parent of node │~
" X: close all child nodes of│~
" current node recursively│~
" middle-click, │~
" e: explore selected dir │~
" │~
" ---------------------------│~
" Bookmark table mappings~ │~
" double-click, │~
" o: open bookmark │~
" go: preview file │~
" go: find dir in tree │~
" t: open in new tab │~
" T: open in new tab silently│~
" i: open split │~
" gi: preview split │~
" s: open vsplit │~
" gs: preview vsplit │~
" <CR>: custom open │~
" D: delete bookmark │~
" │~
" ---------------------------│~
" Filesystem mappings~ │~
" C: change tree root to the │~
" selected dir │~
" u: move tree root up a dir │~
" U: move tree root up a dir │~
" but leave old root open │~
" r: refresh cursor dir │~
" R: refresh current root │~
" m: Show menu │~
" cd:change the CWD to the │~
" selected dir │~
" CD:change tree root to CWD │~
" ---------------------------│~
" Tree navigation mappings~ │~
" P: go to root │~
" p: go to parent │~
" K: go to first child │~
" J: go to last child │~
" <C-j>: go to next sibling │~
" <C-k>: go to prev sibling │~
Ans. Because by default ctrl+s
is a signal to freeze terminal, yes its vim independent. Source: https://blog.marcinchwedczuk.pl/how-to-fix-vim-freezes#:~:text=To%20unfreeze%20program%20you%20must%20press%20Ctrl%2BQ%20.&text=It%20still%20happens%20from%20time,Q%20and%20continue%20my%20work.
for i in {1..100}; do echo "$i"; sleep 0.3; done
# now if you press ctrl+s, the terminal will freeze ASAP, to get it back you need to press ctrl+q.
# SO basically in vim's freeze (which is basically complete terminal freeze) you just need to press ctrl+q to get back.
Cool though, Vim was made 30 years ago in 1991 ~Wikipedia.
Config file: ~/nvim/init.vim
instead of ~/.vimrc
Config files from David Pedersen.
Config files from Jon Gjengset.
In command mode, press ctrl+p/n or simply use up/down arrow to brose the command history.
In fact, if you want to browse entire commands of history you can simply use q:
command to entire history in a new buffer. Yo! vim simply rocks!
is different from :q:
, also the later doesn't do anything imo ~Sahil.
Use gx
in nvim. Source
Use @:
directly or :@:
in command mode to reexecute last command.
- Search selected text (even natively is cool thing though!!), with my script it is like select some text and presss
and thats all. - Distinctly search now coz you get nice color indication when cycling between search items
" Search the visually selected text:
" NATIVE APPROACH IS TO USE IT LIKE: yank some text, then press /CTRL+r 0
" SRC^^^^: https://stackoverflow.com/a/363125/10012446
" Usage: Select some text and type // to do search, and navigate with n to
" search forward and N to search backward.
" src: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Search_for_visually_selected_text
vnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>
" Fyi: * search forward and # searchs backward for a variable definition.
" HIGHLIGHT the search items when you are circling on them beautifully:
" src: https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/2770/41399
" Damian Conway's Die Blinkënmatchen: highlight matches
nnoremap <silent> n n:call HLNext(0.1)<cr>
nnoremap <silent> N N:call HLNext(0.1)<cr>
function! HLNext (blinktime)
let target_pat = '\c\%#'.@/
let ring = matchadd('ErrorMsg', target_pat, 101)
exec 'sleep ' . float2nr(a:blinktime * 1000) . 'm'
call matchdelete(ring)
" Search the visually selected text:
" Usage: Select some text and type // to do search, and navigate with n to
" search forward and N to search backward.
" src: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Search_for_visually_selected_text
vnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>
" Fyi: * search forward and # searchs backward for a variable definition.
" :%norm.
" ^^^ What does this do??
" Actually it runs the command which you just did to the whole file!! Yikes!!!
" Renaming multiple variables occurences very fast!!
" LEARN: gdcgn<enter_new_varirable_name><ESC> and now press . to do it multiple times.
" LEARN: gdcdn<enter_new_varirable_name><ESC> and now type :%norm.
" src: https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/18004/renaming-variables
Use #
to search the variable under cursor.
to zoom in.
to zoom out.
I added the bindings for the same in my ~/nvim/init.vim
moves cursor to backward location and ctrl+i
moves cursor to forward location.
https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim : 19k stars @ github
Use ctrl+z
to suspend vim, and use fg to go back to vim anytime you want. source
Type Q
in normal mode to enter Ex mode
, TIP: Press :visual
there to get back to normal mode.
Type q:
in normal to enter Command Line mode
. TIP: Press ctrl+c ctrl+c
(yes twice) to exit it. Command line mode provides a way to browse your command-line history and edit it like a normal buffer. This makes it easy to find a previous command you ran, edit it with normal Vim commands, and then run the modified command. The q/ and q? commands exist to provide the same functionality for the search history.
and type the search term.
Simply press o and your cursor will be toggled to other end when you are in visual mode.
Source: https://superuser.com/a/599726/776589
- Vim has replace mode that you can shift to via R key from the normal
- vim commands
:help :w
:h :w
#Also to know about word motions i.e., when you press w in normal mode
:h w
TODO: Install zshell!! now to test it!!!
## wanted man?
You can use ALT+h and alt+l to switch to previous or next buffers with ease now! You can use CTRL+h/j/k/l to to switch to left/down/up/right windows in vim now!
***My [old vim notes](https://github.com/sahilrajput03/sahilrajput03/blob/master/vim-very-old.md). ITS QUITE POSSIBLE THAT LIST IS ALL WHAT COULD BE USED TO AUTO_COMPLETE WITH DAVID PEDERSEN"S CONFIG ~ IMO ~SAHIL.***
## new week vim learnings
**Learning substitution commands**
foo, foofoo, ,foo,
# With command-
:% s/foo/bar
# All text of the file transforms to like-
bar, barbar, ,bar,
# With command-
:% s/foo/bar/g
# All text of the file transforms to like-
bar, foofoo, ,foo,
# With command-
:% s/foo/
# All text of the file transforms to like-
, , bar
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
# With command-
:3 s/foo/CAR
# Text transforms to (i.e., only line 3 is affected)-
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
# With command-
:2,4 s/foo/CAR
# Text transforms to (i.e., all lines from line 2 to line 4 are affected)-
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
foo, foofoo, foobar
# With command-
:. s/foo/CAR
# Only text of current line gets transformed.
# With command-
:$ s/foo/CAR
# Only text of last line of the file gets transformed.
# With command-
:.,$ s/foo/CAR
# All lines starting from current line to the end of the file gets transformed.
# With command-
:.,$ s/foo/CAR
# All lines starting from current line to the end of the file gets transformed.
# This will join all lines from current line to end of the file to single line.
# This will join all lines in the file to a single line.
# Using regex with while searching in vim, this will search for text like three digits with a following comma.
### FYI: In below command a space before g is optional (it helps to read though)###
## g and v (global/converse-global) ##
# This will run `J` command(i.e., join lines) whereever it finds `and` text.
# This will run `J` command(i.e., join lines) from current line to the end of the file whereever it finds `and` text.
# This will run `J` command(i.e., join lines) for a total of 4 lines, starting from current line whereever it finds `and` text..
# This will run `d` command(i.e., delete line) starting from current line to the end of the file whereever it finds `and` text.
# This will delete line **OTHER THAN** lines which matches for text `and` in the file.
1. How to add `` or '' or "" or () or {}or <> around a text ?
Ans. Select text by v
and use `c()P`. OR you can do like: `cw()P` or `cW()P` as per requirement.
# FYI: Use below command to show currently opened buffers:
<space><space> to switch from current buffer to last buffer and vice versa.
:Rg <text> to search for text in all the files under current working directory(get cwd via ```:pwd``` command in vim).
:r fileName
# Inserts the content of the file to current line.
:r! command
# Inserts the output of the command to the current line.
3. Search using :Rg someText
with hotkey i.e., <space>s
, Yo!
4. Wrap lines in vim using :set wrap
5. Vim block mode works good when you select bunch of line first and then you set cursor to start or end of line first using ^
or $
, and then key thing is that i
and a
won't work but I
and A
works very good.
6. You can use :His
or :History
to get history of last opened files in vim(it is from fzf-vim.
7. You can use <space>;
to view currently opened bufferes. Yikes!
zz #Center current line in the window if possible.
zb #Put current line to the bottom in the windows if possible.
zt #Put current line to the top in the window if possible.
CONFIGURE AUTOCOMPLETE IN NVIM by johnhoo's video..,> @ time: 21:00 in video: Desktop and Editor setup for rust development
sudo pacman -S ripgrep
# Primary pupose: It can search text in all file in any nested folder in the current working directory. First saw..? @ Johnhoo's rust development setup.!
# This is very useful in vim (configured with command ```:Rg <textToSearch>```) and its very usefult to fuzzy search among all the files in current project. YIKES!! ~SAHIL.
# Usage in terminal:
rg <text>
# This searchs for text in all the nested files/folders in ```pwd```.
FYI: Use ctrl+p
in vim to get the dialog of finding file window in your nvim
Use <space>;
to jump between currently opened buffers in nvim. (Johnhoo and David Pedersen, both have same keybinding for this). It basically attached to command :Files
from fzf.vim
Ana amazing article on fzf.vim
plugin is @ https://dev.to/iggredible/how-to-search-faster-in-vim-with-fzf-vim-36ko. Important highlights from this is:
:History #Shows file history from everywhere, yikes, so this is basically recently opened files in nvim.
:Commits #Shows commits of current closes git repo found.
:Buffers #Shows all currently opened buffers(ALREDY USED IN BINDING ```<space>;```
:Marks #Shows lines you marked in nvim
# For complete history, visit: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim#commands
:Snippets #Shows snippets (HAVEN"T TRIED YET).
Probably you don't have proximity-sort
package on your linux, (check this by running proximity-sort
on your terminal directly.
Also, this is the issue which I was reffering and fixed the issue on my own.
- In any vim config file
means i.e., key to execute the command. Yo! (wihtout it the command would just be retained in the command arrea only and you would need to press Enter manually. This opens lots of opportunities now! - Open a file in new buffer in current window only, use
:e filePath
. (Tip: use right/left arrows to toggle between files as johnhoo made the bindings, tip: read Toggle buffers to understand how to do it with just commands). - Reload current file in vim, you can use
(both are same). - Toggle buffers in current window by
in nvim(works in vim too). - Close current buffer in current window by
bw stands for buffer wife. - NEWLY ADDED CLOSE BUFFER HOTKEY: Use
to close current buffer. (i added this viannoremap <leader>z :bw<CR>
statement in~/nvim/init.vim
, it wont be able to close buffers with changed contents and trying to close those buffers will get you error likeE89: No write since last change for buffer 1 (add ! to override)
to close current buffer forcely. (OR USE HOTKEY I CREATED i.e.,<space>Z
, notice the capitalZ
). - Open a new empty buffer:
, source.
UPDATE: USE vim-commentary plugin (has 4k stars on github though) and works really good.
Check its usage you added in the ~/nvim/init.vim
file itself.
Amazing: Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1676632/whats-a-quick-way-to-comment-uncomment-lines-in-vim/15588798#15588798
# Enter visual block mode (NOTE: Its different than visual-line mode i.e., shift+v).
# Select a number of line with j/k
# Put cursor to start of the line (use shift+a to get to end of the line)
# Ener comment character i.e., // or #
# Press Esc and its DONE!.
# Enter visual block mode
# Select a number of line with j/k
# Use l to select required number of chars and press d to delete all of them in once.
:sp #This opens current file in horizontal buffer
:vs #This opens current file in vertical buffer
#To open another file -
:sp filePathHere #This opens in horizontal buffer
:vs filePathHere #This opens in vertical buffer
, Source.
If you are using Jonhoo's config of neovim
then you use c-q
to generate simple exit for vim, its really cool! Do try this!
You must have rust-analyzer cli tool to get intellisense from that:
sudo pacman -S rust-analyzer
#Now your vim can access it as well!.
#Temp load from custom config folder:
vi -u nvim-sahil/init.vim
#Look for the runtime failure logs in neovim ?
:message #From inside nvim
# Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17959126/10012446
call plug#begin()
^^ that means code for vim-plug is starting here...
Source: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
#FYI: :PlugInstall to install the plugins added in your .vimrc or ~/nvim/init.vim file.
call vundle#begin()
^^ that means code for VundleVim is starting here...
Source: https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim
#FYI: :PluginInstall to install the plugins added in your .vimrc or ~/nvim/init.vim file.
:e fileName
: to open a file in current window in neovim.(in vim it used to be :open fileName
TIP: You can use <tab>
complete in nvim though,Yikes!
- Use
ctrl+w n
to create new windows inside in vim. - Use
ctrl+w h or j or k or l
to switch b/w the windows in vim. - Use
ctrl+w H or J or K or L
to shift one window to left or down or up or right (SAME AS WHAT VIM DOES elsewhere). - Use
ctrl+w q
to close the window in vim.(you can use your oldZQ
to exit or write file similarly). - For resizing the the windows inside vim you can take help here.
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46822285/10012446
- Use
to open a terminal in vim. TIP BEWARE >> THAT>> DOESN"T WORK VERY GOOD in nvim when there are zero splits in current screen at the time => (tip: use:vert :term
(short of:vertical :terminal
) to open terminal towards right in vim). - Use
ctrl+w N
src) (capital N) to turn terminal into edit mode. And you can then use switch back toTerminal-Job
mode, pressi
. - Use
:term <myCommand>
to run command directly from vim. - To exit terminal in vim:
- Press
(general bash binding to kill current shell) - OR Type
command - OR Use
Control+w N
src) and then press:q
- Press
- Use shift+d to delete from current character to the end of line
- use shift+c to delete from current cahracter to the end of line and enter in edit mode.
Simply use [[ or ]] to go to start or end of file from now onwards.
Use 0y$
to select entire line characterwise (yy copies line in linewise mode).
Tip: For partial line selection: Put cursor anywhere in between line and use y$
or y0
to copy current character to end character of the line or first character of the line to the current character.
So the key thing is that you need to copy the line as characterwise instead of linewise( i.e., use 0y$ instead of yy to yank a line or set of lines). And now you can use your old p and P to paste after or before the current character to paste the line/lines you yanked earlier.
@Kitcha -- Read more about linewise and characterwise copying. You can copy a line the way you want if you yank it in a characterwise manner, e.g., 0y$ rather than the linewise yy. p or P will paste into current line or different line depending on whether yank was characterwise (pastes into current line) or linewise (pastes into line above or below).
Source -> 2nd comment of this answer.
Want to select text inside 'someText' or "someText" or (aa lot of code here.. ) or { a lot of code here... } ?
src: Amazing, life changing answer towards vim.
vi' #For inside single quotes
vi" #For inside double quotes
vi( or vib #For inside parentheses
vi{ or viB #For inside curly brackets
vit #For inside html tags. WOW IT WOKRS WITH HTML TAGS WELL!!!
va' #For around single quotes
va" #For around double quotes
va( or vab #For around parentheses
va{ or vaB #For around curly brackets
vat #for around html tags
# below two works idk how but seems somewhat idk what..
Concise way it to use 21G
(FYI: You don't need to press :
at all).
Get in Command mode and type :21 <Enter>
to go to line number 21.
Use ctrl+h
to backspace and it works only in insert mode. TIP: It works in shell terminal as well.
Use >>
to right indent or use <<
to left indent the current line.
OR Select a no. of lines in visual mode and use >
or <
to indent right or left once.
TIP: Use 2>
or 2<
to indent twice (were n=2 or any whole number).
src: https://stackoverflow.com/a/235841/10012446
and ctrl+u
to scroll half page down/up.
and ctrl+b
to scroll full page down/up.
WOW!! The bookmarks of each file stays persistent even if you close the file and set more marks for same keys and it would be persistent for all individual files as it maintains unique space for each file.
src: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3458731/10012446
Chose a characer for the mark, say a
, to bookmark it type ma
and now you can move around anywhere in the file and anytime you want to get back just use `a
to get back to the mark Yikes!!
NOTE: You can use any character as the bookmark point!! Yikes!!!
Use, v
to active visual mode and then thype /
to enter the search mode and then press enter to select to that character or word.
Although when the character to which you want to select is in the same line then you can use f
or t
according to your requirement as well. AMAZING!
Simply use: ctrl+e
to scroll up, ctrl+y
to scroll down.
You can search in backward direction in current line with F
. i.e., say you want't to go to next " character so you usually do f"
but when you need to go to previous " character you can do like F"
(capital f character to find in backward direction).
Learn: In general when you use p vs. P, the paste works differently as :-
p pastes to the right of the block cursor.
P pastes to the left fo the block cursor.
For easiness : lowercase is right! Cool!
vim ~/.vimrc
nnoremap ,p "0p
nnoremap ,P "0P